@Lorekphoto - z tego, co napisalem nie wynika, ze osadzam ludzi oceniajacych Twoje zdjecie jako "glupich". To jest juz Twoja konkluzja, nie majaca z moja wypowiedzia nic wspolnego. Mam nadzieje, ze wynika to tylko ze slabej znajomosci polskiego, a nie ze swiadomej checi wmowienia mi nieprawdziwych stwierdzen. Ja mam prawo sie dziwic, co niniejszym czynie. Wydaje mi sie, ze jesli nie chcesz miec wypowiedzi takich jak moja, to mozesz zawsze wylaczyc funkcje umozliwiajaca komentowanie zdjec, lub zastrzec pod wystawianym zdjeciem, ze chcesz aby o Twoich pracach wypowiadano sie tylko pozytywnie. Jeszcze raz podkreslam, ze nie napisalem ani tego, ze Twoje zdjecia (liczba mnoga) mi sie nie podobaja, ani tego, ze inni powinni je innaczej oceniac. Napisalem jedynie, ze wedlug mnie jest to Twoje najgorsze zdjecie, i ze dziwie sie tak wysokiej ocenie. Gdybym wiedzial, ze moje skromne zdanie tak Cie dotknie, nie pisalbym niczego aby nie robic Ci przykrosci. Pozdrawiam
Goldbaer -> thank you for this comment. I do respect it a lot. Your picture (only one unfortunately!) is so good than I am speech less! Ok, maybe we do not have exactly the same style but for sure you are a real artist! Sorry if my work does not please you so much but at least respect others photographers who like my poor pictures. You have the right not to like my photos but not the right to say that people are stupid to appreciate more than you my humble contribution to this forum. Best regards
For sure Sergiuzs! And maybe Kolasmar should even have a vomit bag ready in his hands just in case he is becoming too emotive ;-) Sorry Kolasmar, just kidding but, this situation reminds me a friend of mine who has some "stress" during a very windy day after a small flight with me!
kolasmar -> this is a military aircraft. why are you expecting emotion? this is not the idea of this photo. I did not even try to show some emotion here!
For sure it is not a standard procedure on a civilian airport but it was during the Paris Air Show and for a military aircraft and a well trained pilot such approach is not so unusual. Take care
Well, I used to be pilot in the French Navy (plane and helicopter) and I am also aircraft engineer. After 20 years in this business I guess I know a little about it but, between you and me, I am getting a bit fed up and tired of it. That's life! ;-)
Very short, i quess. Did he make it? It looks real nice to me... Is it Hercules? I have some photos of Air Show 2005, but I'll present them later, winter maybe. C ya :-)
pierwszy raz na lotnisku ? akty twoje mi sie podobaja
bedzie siadal czy spadal?
Goldbaer -> Fair enough. Again I do respect your comment. Sorry for the mis-interpretation. Best regards
@Lorekphoto - z tego, co napisalem nie wynika, ze osadzam ludzi oceniajacych Twoje zdjecie jako "glupich". To jest juz Twoja konkluzja, nie majaca z moja wypowiedzia nic wspolnego. Mam nadzieje, ze wynika to tylko ze slabej znajomosci polskiego, a nie ze swiadomej checi wmowienia mi nieprawdziwych stwierdzen. Ja mam prawo sie dziwic, co niniejszym czynie. Wydaje mi sie, ze jesli nie chcesz miec wypowiedzi takich jak moja, to mozesz zawsze wylaczyc funkcje umozliwiajaca komentowanie zdjec, lub zastrzec pod wystawianym zdjeciem, ze chcesz aby o Twoich pracach wypowiadano sie tylko pozytywnie. Jeszcze raz podkreslam, ze nie napisalem ani tego, ze Twoje zdjecia (liczba mnoga) mi sie nie podobaja, ani tego, ze inni powinni je innaczej oceniac. Napisalem jedynie, ze wedlug mnie jest to Twoje najgorsze zdjecie, i ze dziwie sie tak wysokiej ocenie. Gdybym wiedzial, ze moje skromne zdanie tak Cie dotknie, nie pisalbym niczego aby nie robic Ci przykrosci. Pozdrawiam
Goldbaer -> thank you for this comment. I do respect it a lot. Your picture (only one unfortunately!) is so good than I am speech less! Ok, maybe we do not have exactly the same style but for sure you are a real artist! Sorry if my work does not please you so much but at least respect others photographers who like my poor pictures. You have the right not to like my photos but not the right to say that people are stupid to appreciate more than you my humble contribution to this forum. Best regards
Bardzo mi przykro, ale to jest Twoje najgorsze zdjecie. Zupelnie nie rozumiem dlaczego jest ocenione na "b.dobre".
GreK75 -> You have plenty of poor pictures (sorry) but few are very good and I like them very much :O) Best regards
You have plenty of nice photos, but for sure - not this one. Sorry :O)
For sure Sergiuzs! And maybe Kolasmar should even have a vomit bag ready in his hands just in case he is becoming too emotive ;-) Sorry Kolasmar, just kidding but, this situation reminds me a friend of mine who has some "stress" during a very windy day after a small flight with me!
Kolasmar - jakbys siedzial w tym samolocie w ten moment to zapewniam CIe że emocji by Ci nie zabrakło ;-)
kolasmar -> this is a military aircraft. why are you expecting emotion? this is not the idea of this photo. I did not even try to show some emotion here!
bez emocji ...
quite unusual :)
For sure it is not a standard procedure on a civilian airport but it was during the Paris Air Show and for a military aircraft and a well trained pilot such approach is not so unusual. Take care
Very impressive photo, quite dangerous trick IMO - isn't it banned on such heigth? Nice shot, greetings!
after fajwww sekondz der łoz a big boooom :D
nice shoot... :) where is it? Paris? no, I don't think so... ;) C U ;)
Twenty years, wow, that's a lot of time. I'm impressed that you were patient enough to going forward. Damn, I feel so sleepy... Catch u later!
wonski -> yes, hercules has 4 engines!
Well, I used to be pilot in the French Navy (plane and helicopter) and I am also aircraft engineer. After 20 years in this business I guess I know a little about it but, between you and me, I am getting a bit fed up and tired of it. That's life! ;-)
You're interested in aircraft?
men! ic not herkules. herkules mor motors hew!
Yes he did it! For your info this is a Casa (spanish plane). take care!
Very short, i quess. Did he make it? It looks real nice to me... Is it Hercules? I have some photos of Air Show 2005, but I'll present them later, winter maybe. C ya :-)
wieje grozą :)
Szkoda tylko że nie ma ruchu na łopatkach śmigieł
aga5 I like your foto with planes, very good!
Short final. Effective. I saw short final of E-70 at Okecie, but this was even shorter! :)