Opis zdjęcia
Panama City. Very much like Havana, old crumbling district of Casco Antiguo has charm created both by architecture and the people, and has been classified by Unesco as World Heritage. Used to be rich district of Panama City, but later huge flats were parceled and settled with working class. Now it can be quite dangerous, but also full of life. /www.nygus.info
światło max
on ma viceroy'e!
lubię takie klimaty - dziwie sie ze tak mało w sumie tu komentarzy i ocen...
świetny kadr, światło
ma nastrój i jest w tym pomysł. BDB
Twoje zdjęcia naprawdę żyją;-]
Ale klimat!!
+he did it as well as a. as best he could
barrdzo dobre!
Niezly reportaz