Fajoskie !!! Takie lekkie , optymistyczne w pewnym sensie i pojechane!!! Modeleczka jest jak ELFKA 21 wieku hahaha ! Avangardowa fryzurka , widzę winko, kapeluuuuśśśś i gramofonik jest gIT !!! No świetna kompozycja ! / Delikatne, rześkie, prawdziwe, to się czuje !!!! Moje wielkie gratulejszyn! Na prawdę miło popatrzeć:) !!!! Bardzo sympatyczne foto, zapada w pamieć:) Pozdr.
very nice photo, good work...as for stupid posts - it's good that you've reacted cos this forum is turning in a chat room...a chat with good photos :) the moderators ought to do smthng 'bout that. of corse- u're invited to visit my portfolio:)
I'm not political correct and i won't change. and i dont see any offensive to say small breast maybe the way i said that wasn't polite for you , so sorry that. About art i spoke for myself and not try to persuade anybody else. I see good technical work but dont fell non emotion watching it. that's all.
Very nice work and very nice light, Lorek! Really like it! Furthermore, totally after you when it comes to stupid comments. Hate it. Best regards to you!
I am cool! I just react to lack of respect! Herbatnik you can think what you want and you can also say what you want as long as you are respecting other people. In a civilized society, there is limits my friends. You did not respect my model and me so, now, you have to accept my comment! Of course I can understand you are not feeling comfortable. Nobody likes to get a negative remark. But, if you are intelligent, you should simply admit your first comment was not a joke but just a non delicate and stupid remark and say sorry. Instead, you are trying to attack again with the hope you will finally win the fight. Your only way to defend yourself is now to attack my work by telling you "don't see art". I don't want to start this game with you. I am not at all aggressive. I just wanted to underline the sad comment you did so, please, take it easy and don’t try to teach us what Art is and what is not. Best regards
Lorek: well said, but you need to cool down. If I would worry about all useless comments to my pics, my hair would go gray fast (if it only existed). Regards.
I don't see art in this picture at all, and I can tell my opinion about a model if I want to do this, the same as aboute photo. I know a lot about act, you saw my portfolio - and what? I don't have a "akt" photos here. You have not right to tell me what i schould do or not to do.Bye and dont be so touchy , it was only joke.
Herbatnik, your comment is very sad! It is comment like this one who make the difference between a good and a bad forum for photographers. Your remark will for sure not help me and other photographers to improve our skills! Sorry to tell you that you are rude and you do not respect my model, me and my work. You maybe don’t know me yet but I always react to such comments. It is because of this kind of words most people have such a bad opinion about nude photos. I can see in your portfolio that you don’t know anything about “akt”. Let me tell you that nude pictures are based on trust and respect. If you do such comment you embarrass everybody and you kill the positive opinion so difficult to have when you deal with nudity. In our society nudity is, unfortunately, still too often connected to sex. You comment prove it again. I say no! Stop this! There is magazine for this. Here we are talking about Art so, please, keep your vulgar comment for you. MODERATOR: when are you going to tell people this forum is supposed to be a place to share technical experiences and it is not a place for disgusting remark about models' anatomy? Why a too sexy picture is deleted when a dirty comment is not? What is more shocking for the good morality? A pure, nude and natural human body or a vulgar comment? Who is the pervert? The artist showing a man or woman body as design by the Nature or the spectators looking at the work with the wrong eyes?
Herbatnik, I am ready to believe your comment was not that aggressive but you have to understand that this place is supposed to be for photographers only (you have to present a portfolio before making comments). That is why I expect more constructive comments. Your remark is good enough from a teenager discovering that his sex can be used not only to piss against a tree but for sure not from an adult supposed to teach respect and tolerance to the next generations. Nude artists are working hard to make people understand that nudity is not dirty. Please don’t spoil our efforts. Pozdrawiam
miło popAtrzeć - tylko popatrzeć. Pozdrawiam
Bardzo mi sie podoba
jabajczyk.. skąd wiesz?? hehehe.. nie no żarcik.. podoba mi się ta fotka
zasłuchała sie dziewczyna ;)
TAK. naprawde wyglada jak z jakiegos baru w san francisco w latach prohibicji w ameryce... pozdrawiam
:D pieny kolejny..
Lorek - it's not worth to discuss anything with stupids. Greetings!
zajebiaszcze !
Oo, this is interesting!
good on ya mate :)
Thank you all again for your comments
bardzo fajny pomysł.. rekwizyty zagrały w kadrze
Fajoskie !!! Takie lekkie , optymistyczne w pewnym sensie i pojechane!!! Modeleczka jest jak ELFKA 21 wieku hahaha ! Avangardowa fryzurka , widzę winko, kapeluuuuśśśś i gramofonik jest gIT !!! No świetna kompozycja ! / Delikatne, rześkie, prawdziwe, to się czuje !!!! Moje wielkie gratulejszyn! Na prawdę miło popatrzeć:) !!!! Bardzo sympatyczne foto, zapada w pamieć:) Pozdr.
Ciekawe, podoba się.
Fantastic foto
Thank you all
Maxymalnie dobre. Pozdrawiam.
Podoba mi sie.
z najwyższej półki !!
old retro style... very nice photo...;-)
pozdrówka .......
Very nice picture. I like the light & that it's so soft & smooth. I like the atmosphere. rgrds.
wwwooooow wielkie woooow najwieksza beka z was wszystkich ..znam tego kolesia osobiscie a kazdy mysli ze on po polsku niepojimaja hehe
very good picture. congratulations
Pomysł i wykonanie jak najbardziej BDB
bat not na tyle zeby zachwycało
kazdy sie chwali tutaj swoja angielszczyzna to i ja sie pochwale: dis is łery gud dżob!
very nice photo, good work...as for stupid posts - it's good that you've reacted cos this forum is turning in a chat room...a chat with good photos :) the moderators ought to do smthng 'bout that. of corse- u're invited to visit my portfolio:)
I'm not political correct and i won't change. and i dont see any offensive to say small breast maybe the way i said that wasn't polite for you , so sorry that. About art i spoke for myself and not try to persuade anybody else. I see good technical work but dont fell non emotion watching it. that's all.
Thank you!
Very nice work and very nice light, Lorek! Really like it! Furthermore, totally after you when it comes to stupid comments. Hate it. Best regards to you!
Just loving it! Great work - good idea!!! and composition!!!!
nice light :) I like it. cheers!
I am cool! I just react to lack of respect! Herbatnik you can think what you want and you can also say what you want as long as you are respecting other people. In a civilized society, there is limits my friends. You did not respect my model and me so, now, you have to accept my comment! Of course I can understand you are not feeling comfortable. Nobody likes to get a negative remark. But, if you are intelligent, you should simply admit your first comment was not a joke but just a non delicate and stupid remark and say sorry. Instead, you are trying to attack again with the hope you will finally win the fight. Your only way to defend yourself is now to attack my work by telling you "don't see art". I don't want to start this game with you. I am not at all aggressive. I just wanted to underline the sad comment you did so, please, take it easy and don’t try to teach us what Art is and what is not. Best regards
ciekawa kompozycja oraz wykonanie. Zyczę dalszych sukcesów.
Lorek: well said, but you need to cool down. If I would worry about all useless comments to my pics, my hair would go gray fast (if it only existed). Regards.
I don't see art in this picture at all, and I can tell my opinion about a model if I want to do this, the same as aboute photo. I know a lot about act, you saw my portfolio - and what? I don't have a "akt" photos here. You have not right to tell me what i schould do or not to do.Bye and dont be so touchy , it was only joke.
ja poprosze po niemiecku...a fotka wrazenia nie robi
podoba się !!
Nic dodać nic ująć Herbatnik. A fotka bardzo udana, świetna poza, ładnie zagospodarowany kadr.
a ten co? angielski szlifuje?:) ...żeś się koleś naprodukował...teraz może przetłumacz dla tych co nie znają english (np dla mnie) ;)
Herbatnik, your comment is very sad! It is comment like this one who make the difference between a good and a bad forum for photographers. Your remark will for sure not help me and other photographers to improve our skills! Sorry to tell you that you are rude and you do not respect my model, me and my work. You maybe don’t know me yet but I always react to such comments. It is because of this kind of words most people have such a bad opinion about nude photos. I can see in your portfolio that you don’t know anything about “akt”. Let me tell you that nude pictures are based on trust and respect. If you do such comment you embarrass everybody and you kill the positive opinion so difficult to have when you deal with nudity. In our society nudity is, unfortunately, still too often connected to sex. You comment prove it again. I say no! Stop this! There is magazine for this. Here we are talking about Art so, please, keep your vulgar comment for you. MODERATOR: when are you going to tell people this forum is supposed to be a place to share technical experiences and it is not a place for disgusting remark about models' anatomy? Why a too sexy picture is deleted when a dirty comment is not? What is more shocking for the good morality? A pure, nude and natural human body or a vulgar comment? Who is the pervert? The artist showing a man or woman body as design by the Nature or the spectators looking at the work with the wrong eyes? Herbatnik, I am ready to believe your comment was not that aggressive but you have to understand that this place is supposed to be for photographers only (you have to present a portfolio before making comments). That is why I expect more constructive comments. Your remark is good enough from a teenager discovering that his sex can be used not only to piss against a tree but for sure not from an adult supposed to teach respect and tolerance to the next generations. Nude artists are working hard to make people understand that nudity is not dirty. Please don’t spoil our efforts. Pozdrawiam
piekna pani, z piekna fryzurka - na prawde piekne fotki mogly byc. a tu? szczyt kiczu, na dodatek w niezbyt dobrym wykonaniu...
dla mnie tak
podoba się bardzo.
patefon! tego jeszcze nie bylo
Fajna stylizacja. Podoba się bardzo.
dobre :D moze troszke inaczej rozstawic rekwizyty tak bardziej naturalnie.. ale czepiac sie nie bede ;)
Fine, nice model :-)...
jak dla mnie to kard bardzo dobry
tiny tits :)
ciekawe :)
czy ja wiem...ten gramofon i kapelusz to lekki przerost formy...ale ogólnie całkiem ok.