yvvvvy -> thanks for answering. I appreciate. I am not at all a grafist so let's say that I on a "safe learning" curve ;-) When it come to your work, I was sincere: I like it. I am rather very open to all styles and very open minded. Art is a very big world and so there is room for a wide range of creations. As I always say, you can like something even when it is different to what you are used to see (or do, or taste, etc...) and if you don't like, it does not mean it is bad. You just have a different taste. I do respect your point of view and for sure there is no offence. Take care and all the best.
ah, one more thing.. i appreciate u liked some of my stuff, but i know well that i am not good, at the very least. so, if u feel like saying something negative about my photos, don't hesitate. i mean, i would come back here and write u just the same, even if i got bad mark from u. kind regards.
well, excuse me for not writing anything precise, it happens to me if i browse without much time to spare. i didn't intend to offend u in any way. anyway, as for my mark, i don't change my mind.. i think what u did with this photo is completely out of any acceptable graphic standard. it looks amateurish in every aspect: colors (specially inverted ones), definitely too much contrast in most of the parts, differences in saturation of the elements, the composition itself etc.. i don't go into details how u did it, because i cannot find anything good in the final result. i am not a photographer, i rather cope with graphics (photomanipulation), and i guess that people who know at least a bit of it, agree with my point. nevertheless, i wouldn't like u to apply this comment to all your pics showed here, because i can see they are better. just this one stands out much too much..
Tiger-Cub is right - it's quite another. I'm not sure I wouldn't like it better in authentic shape, however it seem very interesting work. Take care, Lorek ;-) Greetings from Lodz!
I don't like the rectangle on the bottom of the picture. It is too wide in comparision with others. I would work a bit more on sizes and places of rectangles but your photo and idea are interesting.
extraterrestrial -> I don't have the original with me today but if you contact me again in 2 weeks I will try to find it and put it on my website for you.
yvvvvy -> I like very much your work. Sincerely. Please tell me why you gave me such a bad mark. For sure our styles are different but different is not necessarely bad. I would appreciate your constructive comment in order to improve my technique. Best regards
Copy Right -> since your portfolio is empty it is not fare to send so negative comment without giving us the possibility to see how good you are. Be brave and expose your work! We want to learn from you how to do a good picture.
a mnie sie bardzo podoba i w nosie mam to czy to grafika czy zdjecie!Przestancie w koncu sie czepiac takich drobnostek... to obrazek, do ktorego mat.wyjsciowym byla fota i o to biega i jest ok
super praca !!
Q8 -> Thank you for this nice and open minded comment.
Impressive! it's definitelly inspiring. Even though I would treat it as graphics I am glad that plfoto.com is so diverse.
zdjęcie bardzo fajne...pomysł i wykonanie też ale dziwie się ze nie wymoderowali....bo mi takie montarze zawsze wymoderują....
yvvvvy -> thanks for answering. I appreciate. I am not at all a grafist so let's say that I on a "safe learning" curve ;-) When it come to your work, I was sincere: I like it. I am rather very open to all styles and very open minded. Art is a very big world and so there is room for a wide range of creations. As I always say, you can like something even when it is different to what you are used to see (or do, or taste, etc...) and if you don't like, it does not mean it is bad. You just have a different taste. I do respect your point of view and for sure there is no offence. Take care and all the best.
lubie pomysl nie lubie kolorow
Dear All, thanks for comments
ciekawy pomysł
ciekawie zrobione, ale zdjęcie jest tak dobre, że orginał może być jeszcze lepszy,pozdrawiam
ulala nice puzzle:)))) I like it:))) You have amazing ideas:)))
bardzo ciekawy efekt
podoba mi sie negatyw i efekt koncowy. z tego co smiem domniemywac zdjecie w oryginale tez byloby BDB
pierwsze zauroczenia możliwościami programu graficznego i nic ponadto niestety zupełnie nie rozumiem zachwytów
czegoś takiego jeszcze nie widziałem...
ah, one more thing.. i appreciate u liked some of my stuff, but i know well that i am not good, at the very least. so, if u feel like saying something negative about my photos, don't hesitate. i mean, i would come back here and write u just the same, even if i got bad mark from u. kind regards.
well, excuse me for not writing anything precise, it happens to me if i browse without much time to spare. i didn't intend to offend u in any way. anyway, as for my mark, i don't change my mind.. i think what u did with this photo is completely out of any acceptable graphic standard. it looks amateurish in every aspect: colors (specially inverted ones), definitely too much contrast in most of the parts, differences in saturation of the elements, the composition itself etc.. i don't go into details how u did it, because i cannot find anything good in the final result. i am not a photographer, i rather cope with graphics (photomanipulation), and i guess that people who know at least a bit of it, agree with my point. nevertheless, i wouldn't like u to apply this comment to all your pics showed here, because i can see they are better. just this one stands out much too much..
Tiger-Cub is right - it's quite another. I'm not sure I wouldn't like it better in authentic shape, however it seem very interesting work. Take care, Lorek ;-) Greetings from Lodz!
przykro mi, ale mi sie nie podoba :(
bardzo oryginalne... fajna technika
I don't like the rectangle on the bottom of the picture. It is too wide in comparision with others. I would work a bit more on sizes and places of rectangles but your photo and idea are interesting.
tak to wciąga, inne, nietypowe , bardzo ciekawe !
girl is too nice for cutting imho
poproszę oryginał!
Ok, thanks. I like your work, but... I'm afraid this photo will be banned. They often do that with photos changed to such extent.
I don't really care if it's a photo or not. The most important thing is that it goes together with the title very well. "I feel like dancing" ;-)
extraterrestrial -> I don't have the original with me today but if you contact me again in 2 weeks I will try to find it and put it on my website for you.
yvvvvy -> I like very much your work. Sincerely. Please tell me why you gave me such a bad mark. For sure our styles are different but different is not necessarely bad. I would appreciate your constructive comment in order to improve my technique. Best regards
inne, ciekawe
Will you show us the original?
no problem i love this picture and i will defend it.
Attempt -> thank you for your understanding
Copy Right -> since your portfolio is empty it is not fare to send so negative comment without giving us the possibility to see how good you are. Be brave and expose your work! We want to learn from you how to do a good picture.
copy right, why don't u like this photo? this statement is poor. i wish to hear from u something more
Keep trying - maybe someday but definitely not this time...
genialne, lubie takie prace - bardzo nowatorskie progresywne !
zgadzam sie z artmarem
Great job. :)
a mnie sie bardzo podoba i w nosie mam to czy to grafika czy zdjecie!Przestancie w koncu sie czepiac takich drobnostek... to obrazek, do ktorego mat.wyjsciowym byla fota i o to biega i jest ok
mein got.
Thank you all. Hello from sunny France but I miss Poland ;-) Fortunately I will be back in Warsaw on August 1st to make a lot of new photos.
no to jest rewela wiec
jestem za
qqch de nouveau... je ne suis pas sure si j'aime telles manipulations-ce n'est plus une photo mais une graphique. bisous:)
i podoba sie
nie zaliczylabym tego do grafiki :) choc lubie sie takich rzeczy czepiac :P powiedzmy ze to kolarz ze zdjec :)
Mati25 -> I do present only my own photos.
baerdzo unikalne. tytyl pasuje i az mnie do tanca zaprasza
swietna ale o ile wiem w tym portalu niezamieszcza sie grafik
Twoje zdjecie czy tylko obrobka? Pytam bo na plfoto to juz nic nie wiadomo