“You should look straight at a film; that's the only way to see one. Film is not the art of scholars but of illiterates.” - Werner Herzog-
— 25.02.2009, 08:15:57
"Use them with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Go banging about with a psychedelic drug for a Saturday night turn-on, and you can get into a really bad place, psychologically. Know what you're using, decide just why you're using it, and you can have a rich experience. They're not addictive, and they're certainly not escapist, either, but they're exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind, and how it works." -Alexander Shulgin -
— 13.12.2008, 06:24:36
''The only possible ethic is to do what one wants to do.'' - William S. Burroughs -
— 12.12.2008, 02:52:18
''I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.'' - Woody Allen -
— 5.12.2008, 05:45:24
shawn lee & clutchy hopkins - clutch of the tiger
— 12.11.2008, 19:35:05
“I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.” - Jack Kerouac -
— 11.11.2008, 21:26:08
zdjecia z prawdziwym urokiem. pozdrawiam
niezly chichot :D
hi hi hi :D
szkoda, że tak rzadko wstawiasz zdjęcia, bardzo fajna reporterka, miałem kiedyś pomysł, aby zrobić zdjęcia studentów mieszkających w akademikach, z opisem skąd pochodzą, co studiują i jedno zdanie o L...
no gdzie te zdjecia znajomych ze szkocji? :D