->pawel - Then came the mines - then came the ore then there was the hard times then there was a war telegraph sang a song about the world outside telegraph road got so deep and so wide [...] You can hear them singing out their telegraph code all the way down the TELEGRAPH ROAD.
A long time ago came the man on a track walking thirty miles with a sack on his back and he put down his load where he thought it was the best .... then came the churches then came the schools then come the lawyers then came the rules then came the trains and the trucks with their loads and the dirty old track was the TELEGRAPH ROAD !!!
A jak mi zilustrujesz "Walk of Life" to będzie nieźle :) Tutaj tytuł ratuje fotkę, sam lubię DS więc zapuszczam winampa :). Pozdrawiam
->pawel - za dużo musiałbym pisać :P Ale jak tylko wrócę dzisiaj do domu to zapodam sobie ten monumentalny kawałek :D
pminołes moj ulubiony fragment o ptaszkach na drutach które zawsze mogą uciec z imna i deszczu ;)
->pawel - Then came the mines - then came the ore then there was the hard times then there was a war telegraph sang a song about the world outside telegraph road got so deep and so wide [...] You can hear them singing out their telegraph code all the way down the TELEGRAPH ROAD.
A long time ago came the man on a track walking thirty miles with a sack on his back and he put down his load where he thought it was the best .... then came the churches then came the schools then come the lawyers then came the rules then came the trains and the trucks with their loads and the dirty old track was the TELEGRAPH ROAD !!!
malownicze pzdr
Jak widać nie jest tak źle jak myślałem ze znajomościa Dire Straits :P Dzięki za komenty!
nawet słup zachód podziwia:) piękne niebo; idę słuchać DS:)
Trudno sobie wyobrazić świat pozbawionych chmur. Czy byłby tak piękny jak np. na tej fotce? Pytanie retoryczne...
ulubionego bym nie pamiętał, bardzo ładne....
śliczne niebo... pamiętam :-)) pozdrawiam
܀ pamięta... pamięta...:)
lubie takie chmurki :)
pamiętam...... pozdrawiam
ładne, niedocenione
niebo b.ładne:)
piękne niebo
Piękne niebo.
pasek n adole? wtf?;d;d...jest świetne;]
jeszcze cienszy pasek na dole powinien byc