Thank you for your very negative comment and mark on my last photo. Nevertheless I would appreciate a more constructive comment. "słabe" is not enough to justify the minimum rate and understand what technnically is not good with my "marketing" image. Please help me because looking at you portfolio I have problem to find out anything similar to compare (studio work, work with model, nude, portraits, etc etc...). Making a picture of a piece of ice in a tree (your here above photo is not bad) is not the same kind of work as my photo. You can like or not but since you are a photographer, you are also supposed to evaluate the technical aspect of a picture. Not only the easthetical aspect. Best regards.
sehr shoen!!!mir gefaellt!!!
Thank you for your very negative comment and mark on my last photo. Nevertheless I would appreciate a more constructive comment. "słabe" is not enough to justify the minimum rate and understand what technnically is not good with my "marketing" image. Please help me because looking at you portfolio I have problem to find out anything similar to compare (studio work, work with model, nude, portraits, etc etc...). Making a picture of a piece of ice in a tree (your here above photo is not bad) is not the same kind of work as my photo. You can like or not but since you are a photographer, you are also supposed to evaluate the technical aspect of a picture. Not only the easthetical aspect. Best regards.
bardzo fajne skojarzenie.. ładne jest, pozdrawiam
fajne :))
bardzo ciekawe
tak zastanawiam się jakie brzózki są ładniejsze pisane przez "ó", czy przez "u"
fajne, też "walcze" z soplami za moim oknem ale jakos nie umiem ich ciekawie ująć, tobie sie to udało IMHO :)
a gdyby tak do góry nogami? byłoby jeszcze kosmiczniej:)
Chyba brzÓzki
fajne sopelki. dobry pomysł. nie myślałem że tak to może wyglądać. pozdrawiam!