chmielas -> Your portfolio is as empty as your explanation for the very very very bad mark you gave me! Please put at least one photo on this forum for me to see how good you are! To be so strict towards "baby photographers" like me, you must be fucking good. A kind of god I guess? You know what? I wish your first photo will be an auto-portrait because, so far I never seen pictures of god.
let's keep the secret between two of us.... that "preaty" model is me.thank for the complement. dont be surprice that details are not as good as their should... the only way in which i can shine is a computer work whit the picture... ....but I'm trying to get a model and maybe(i hope) I will find her soon...:) maybe then light in my photos will be better:)
my sense of humor is quite big but anyway I don't like this photo as much as I like different of your's... but it is not for popr note:) i would give b.dobre to you. but I can not yet:)
Dorota > Thank you for your comment about my portfolio. When it comes to this photo, I was not trying to make something special. Just a funny shot. As you said, tourists are probably finding this more interesting than locals (a bit like the Palm Tree at rondon Charlesa de gaullea hi hi hi this one is making me smile for 5 years!) but believe me most people living in Paris don’t even notice monuments and art galleries so I am not surprised Warsawiacy don’t find the cow concept exotic. Best regards
for us this cows is normal and for me is typical photo taken by tourist who have some knowlage about photography is nothing special there are many good photo on your portfolio...
lepiej by bylo gdyby ostrosc koncentorwala sie na oczach krowy reszta ok kadr fajny palac sie wali ale to wina szerokiego kata mozna by w PS wyprostowac ... ale nie wiem czy jestes zwolennikiem PS
Jirafita -> I agree, this cow is not the best in Warsaw but she is very well located! On top of it, I can put only one picture here today even if I have a lot of different cows in my databank.
Anti -> you are ok but remember that I am not from Poland so, from time to time, I also behave like a tourist and make naive photos on the street. I refuse to do only one type of picture and my portfolio is full of portraits, architectures, landscapes, etc, etc... Best regards
Rany! To naprawdę Twoje zdjęcie?! Właśnie obejrzałem Twoje folio! Przecież robisz ekstra foty! Jak to się stało, że to aż tak odstaje? Cholera - a może to ze mną jest coś nie tak?! Pozdrówka :)
Niedawno miałem okazję oglądać kilkanaście tych krówek. Są naprawdę fajne :) Chyba nawet oglądałem dokładnie tą, ale wtedy Pekin jeszcze stał prosto :) Czy coś się zmieniło w warszawskiej geologii od 13 lipca? :) Sory - nie głosuję, bo musiał bym wystawić Ci dość niską ocenę za jakość tej fotografii. Nie mniej fajnie, że tą krówkę pokazałeś.
your photos with the models are much more better... Besides, there are a few more interesting and much more pretty cows in Warsaw :) Even I have one ;)
pomysł - oklaski! wykonanie? chbya światło nie zagrało:( daje ocene po środku
“•” Etam, kiepskie
Pomysł dobry, ale technicznie niedopracowany....
bdb za prace szkodliwa w trodnych warunkach ;-)
Nice :)
muuu :)
chmielas -> Your portfolio is as empty as your explanation for the very very very bad mark you gave me! Please put at least one photo on this forum for me to see how good you are! To be so strict towards "baby photographers" like me, you must be fucking good. A kind of god I guess? You know what? I wish your first photo will be an auto-portrait because, so far I never seen pictures of god.
czuć wieś ;))
let's keep the secret between two of us.... that "preaty" model is me.thank for the complement. dont be surprice that details are not as good as their should... the only way in which i can shine is a computer work whit the picture... ....but I'm trying to get a model and maybe(i hope) I will find her soon...:) maybe then light in my photos will be better:)
Thank you bazylia
the only thing which inerupt me is that the building is not as clear as the animal... that's all :)
my sense of humor is quite big but anyway I don't like this photo as much as I like different of your's... but it is not for popr note:) i would give b.dobre to you. but I can not yet:)
Dorota > Thank you for your comment about my portfolio. When it comes to this photo, I was not trying to make something special. Just a funny shot. As you said, tourists are probably finding this more interesting than locals (a bit like the Palm Tree at rondon Charlesa de gaullea hi hi hi this one is making me smile for 5 years!) but believe me most people living in Paris don’t even notice monuments and art galleries so I am not surprised Warsawiacy don’t find the cow concept exotic. Best regards
for us this cows is normal and for me is typical photo taken by tourist who have some knowlage about photography is nothing special there are many good photo on your portfolio...
696681 ,)
lepiej by bylo gdyby ostrosc koncentorwala sie na oczach krowy reszta ok kadr fajny palac sie wali ale to wina szerokiego kata mozna by w PS wyprostowac ... ale nie wiem czy jestes zwolennikiem PS
Bardzo fajny pomysl , krowa dobrze kontrastuje z pajacem . pozdro.
Hihi small cow, lot of fun and confusion ;-)
jakas aluzja? :) dobre
ho ho ... krowy sie pojawily!
Spyrek -> you are right but I wanted to give this effect to my shot.
jrybka and all -> thank you.
Może głębia osrości troszku większa by sie przydała?? I dont know how to write this in English
colour vs. grey reality of pland:)
Heheheh very nice- a symbol of Warsaw with Mad Cow.... Freak Cow in Cow Town :) Grrrrrreat!
I like your portfolio this idea is really good- our warszawa- this should be a ram. In Tarnow we have elefant just like this cow
lorekphoto —> Thanks. „Good” for idea :-)
Malczer -> my last comment was for you.
A little change of topic...
:-) You are right! Best regards
ihahaha, this photo is very nice, and this cow, how could i say that, that cow is freaky great!!! :)
If it is The Palace of „Culture” I'll stop drink vodka! (today of course ;-)
If this is a normal cow, I stop drinking milk!
Isn't good. To make it photo with humour I suggest to sharp Palace of Culture. Now I see a normal cow (bull?) and crazy/mad Palace. Regards...
To all -> where is your sense of humour? You gave me a “popr.” Mark! Is this photo that bad?
Jirafita -> I agree, this cow is not the best in Warsaw but she is very well located! On top of it, I can put only one picture here today even if I have a lot of different cows in my databank.
Anti -> you are ok but remember that I am not from Poland so, from time to time, I also behave like a tourist and make naive photos on the street. I refuse to do only one type of picture and my portfolio is full of portraits, architectures, landscapes, etc, etc... Best regards
Rany! To naprawdę Twoje zdjęcie?! Właśnie obejrzałem Twoje folio! Przecież robisz ekstra foty! Jak to się stało, że to aż tak odstaje? Cholera - a może to ze mną jest coś nie tak?! Pozdrówka :)
At least you are having fun with my photo! Not so bad ;-)
to nie jest "empetrójka" - ona stoi, jak przystalo na "empetrójkę" pod Trójką :p Ta krowa mi sie nie podoba bo jest tandetnie upaćkana na kolorowo
Niedawno miałem okazję oglądać kilkanaście tych krówek. Są naprawdę fajne :) Chyba nawet oglądałem dokładnie tą, ale wtedy Pekin jeszcze stał prosto :) Czy coś się zmieniło w warszawskiej geologii od 13 lipca? :) Sory - nie głosuję, bo musiał bym wystawić Ci dość niską ocenę za jakość tej fotografii. Nie mniej fajnie, że tą krówkę pokazałeś.
trójka - program 3 polskiego radia
a ja wam powiem ze prawdopodobnie nic tu nie ma wklejonego a krowa to "empetrójka" - kto slucha trójki ten wie
albo na odwrót jak sie dobrze historii przyjżeć
Oscop - nie, pałac był krowa wklejona
your photos with the models are much more better... Besides, there are a few more interesting and much more pretty cows in Warsaw :) Even I have one ;)
Pinio4000 -> She is my new model. A bit rigid but she is easy going and she is happy to pose nude ;-)
who is she?
Pałac Kultury w tle to wklejony?
hihi super ujęcie... szkoda tylko paskudnego nieba :/
kampania neatywna? ci to cimoszko..