so I can say that this time this girl has much less arms and legs than it was last week. and I can say that in this photo she looks more "natural":)) i like it also. the light is very good, the shadows are wonderfull. great photo.
alexandra i Kamyk75 -> I was in a PS mood last week but I promise to come back to the "real thing" with my next photo. Please be indulgent because I am really trying to explore all the possibilities of modern photography. I think it is good not to fall into routine by doing only what people are used to see just to flatter my ego and have good comments. I am not at school anymore so I do not work to get a good mark but first to please myself and improve my skills and then to share my vision of this art and technique with qualified people like you. This is why I appreciate and thank you for you opinion. I dedicate my next shot for you but, for sure, soon or later I will try again something different ;-)
Yeah... I imediatelly knew that's the picture you used for the composition last week.
Saute ;-) looks much better for me. Same model and frame would be even better for me if you wouldn't make some tricks in PS. Generally I like it :-)
NIE WIEM... widze tu jakis straszny kontrast pomiedzy oswietlonym z obu stron korpusem a nogami jakby znikad - wygladaja nozki jak same kosci - jakby nie nalezaly do reszty ciala - no po prostu psuje mi to caly efekt... bez oceny bo zwyczajnie nie wiem jak zaglosowac
there are very strange shadows on the cheek and hair...I think that the original light must have been very interesting (not the photoshop spotlihhts ;D) greetings
Quite nice...light in the background is a bit too syntetic;)
oh gee This one is terrible for me it just me
redgrave -> What?
wrrrrr I like it;)))) great pretty lady very sexy body nice light nice pose everything is beautiful Nice work!!!! Congratulation:)))
so I can say that this time this girl has much less arms and legs than it was last week. and I can say that in this photo she looks more "natural":)) i like it also. the light is very good, the shadows are wonderfull. great photo.
Gratuluję - modelki (ladies first) i fotograf pierwsza liga - pozdrawiam
nic tylko sie przytulać :P
something's missing...
świetna robota:)
je n'aime pas le couleur (peut-etre en general je n'aime pas quand on change trop des photos a PS) mais le cadr est bon.
alexandra i Kamyk75 -> I was in a PS mood last week but I promise to come back to the "real thing" with my next photo. Please be indulgent because I am really trying to explore all the possibilities of modern photography. I think it is good not to fall into routine by doing only what people are used to see just to flatter my ego and have good comments. I am not at school anymore so I do not work to get a good mark but first to please myself and improve my skills and then to share my vision of this art and technique with qualified people like you. This is why I appreciate and thank you for you opinion. I dedicate my next shot for you but, for sure, soon or later I will try again something different ;-)
Yeah... I imediatelly knew that's the picture you used for the composition last week. Saute ;-) looks much better for me. Same model and frame would be even better for me if you wouldn't make some tricks in PS. Generally I like it :-)
J'ai te deja dit ce que je pense de cette photo ;) Bisou!
nice :)
yeap .... and you began so well. too bad you going straight into the kitsch.
very nice light and shadow
przyjemnie się patrzy, pomysł odbiega nieco od konwencji, b. dobre wykonanie, czuje się przestrzeń
nice, nice... ;)
NIE WIEM... widze tu jakis straszny kontrast pomiedzy oswietlonym z obu stron korpusem a nogami jakby znikad - wygladaja nozki jak same kosci - jakby nie nalezaly do reszty ciala - no po prostu psuje mi to caly efekt... bez oceny bo zwyczajnie nie wiem jak zaglosowac
Thank you all!
This is very nice photo in my humble opinion, beautiful model, interesting lighting, classic pose - nice wok, greetings!
intersujące, naprawdę ładne. uwagi złożyli poprzednicy.
Pillow Book -> Very constructive opinion! It will help me a lot to improve my technique!
Briefly said, I like it, thanks for sharing!
there are very strange shadows on the cheek and hair...I think that the original light must have been very interesting (not the photoshop spotlihhts ;D) greetings
Pillow Book,dobrze ze nie chcesz sprawdzac czy pani przypadkiem nie miala dziory w zebie
a mi przeszkadza stopa...wygląda na płaskostopie... Powstrzymam się od oceny...
widziałam to zdjęcie na innym serwisie i w innej kolorystyce - tamto bardziej mi sie podobało, znacznie bardziej. ale to kwestia gustu.
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