To Esperal -> Thank you for your last message. Everything is forgotten.
To all -> I am new on this forum so I took some time to visit the portfolio of all the people who put a comment on my photos. Let me tell you that I am very impressed by the high quality level of the pictures I have seen. Your work helps me a lot to realize that I still have a long way to do but, it also stimulates my motivation! Thank you for this. Lorek
tantra - jeżeli nie widzisz podobieństw miedzy tymi fotami to wybacz, ale ślepy zdjęc nie robi... Zresztą Twoje folio mówi samo za siebie.Faktycznie, może zbyt pochopnie oceniłem to zdjęcie, ale takię określenie przyszło mi w pierwszej chwili. Wszystkich, a w szczególności Ciebie Lorek przepraszam. Ciesze się, ze zajrzałeś do mojego folio.
To Esperal: Dear Sir, my photo was taken during a session on February 26th so 6 days before you put your similar picture (nice as well) on this site. So I can tell you that it is not a plagiat. We just simply had the same idea at the same time unless … you have seen my own photo on my website before doing your photo. Mine was on line on February 27th (I know it was my birthday!). I do not want to go into this slippery direction because I do believe the idea of this forum is to exchange ideas and comments but certainly not to suit another photographer/artist. Yes, I have a copyright on my photos, we all have, but not on the ideas! If not, every portrait, is a plagiat! I would appreciate you to respect the philosophy of this forum and feel free to use my ideas! By the way I took a look at your photos and they are very nice especially the little kids. Lorek
Esperal -> Nie moge sie doszukac podobienstwa miedzy waszymi zdjeciami. U ciebie dupa i nogi, tu - ładnie sfotografowane kobiece pośladki i wyłaniające sie z cienia stopy. Miłe w odbiorze. Ja wiem ze nie mam sie czym pochwalic (kwestia czasu), ale bardzo nie podobaja mi sie bezpodstawne oskarzenia i nie moglam sie powstrzymac.
Ok guys! I got the message!!! Is someboby can tell me how to change the photo? I'm afraid I have to wait 5 days before being able to add a new pic. Please be indulgent and try not to take into consideration the "red letters" when looking at my "eclipse". Thank you. Lorek
hehe fajny kadr
Bardzo fajny plakat .... ;)
ciekawy pomysł, wykonanie profesjolane :)
wsio charaszo! Pazdrawlaju!
doskonałe !!
bardzo ładne i oryginalne popeostu cyrk :) pozdro
hihih interesting compo :) nice:) work :) regard you album is great bes regards
no problem lorek :] hehe great name lorek :]
just perfect :) congratulation :)
great!!!!!!like it++++++
:(( I did nearly similar. I'm not first one. But probably couple of thousands of people did it in the same way. Great picture and light.
masakra, punkty strategiczne. takiej fotki jeszcze nie widziałem...
C'est tres intéressant et original. Je l'aime :-).
yhy, mniam
btw: thanks for your comment about my portfolio:)
the title is just perfect!:)
Excellent concept :)
po co ten napis?
Thank you all ;-)
dobre bardzo
very very sexy foto i like it veryyy much :D
miodzio!! tak jak i całe portfolio!:) pozdrawiam
I like them!
je suis tres heurese :D Well red roses or such stuff ... :) Seriously - very good photo
yeah very juicy and smooth...
Intresting idea - on full screen it's really great !
I like all your photos :)
Karez -> I like your work! It is excellent!
Wow. It looks very interesting. I invite You to watch my works. Bye.
Hanna Ćwikła -> thank you for your comment. I like this photo very much so I am touched by your compliment. Have a nice day. Lorek
Perfect title :) and a good photo too.
agnieszka decewicz -> Thank you!
thank's for visit on my account, I did't know that this scheming picture was your! I congratulate idea
Dobry i bardzo pomysłowy kadr. Czysta forma bez zbędnego przegadania ; )
jak dwa bocheneczki, ugryzl bym
Wow. Great photo. :) On FS it's even better. nice light and shadows. :)
good one!
that's something!
devel -> Thank you, I am touched (sincerely) but now, I am stressed because of you! I really have to find a good shot for the next time!
You are really talented (so far - you proved it), I am waiting for youre next great creation. Keep cool :)
Well's really great job ;) ..regards...
To Esperal -> Thank you for your last message. Everything is forgotten. To all -> I am new on this forum so I took some time to visit the portfolio of all the people who put a comment on my photos. Let me tell you that I am very impressed by the high quality level of the pictures I have seen. Your work helps me a lot to realize that I still have a long way to do but, it also stimulates my motivation! Thank you for this. Lorek
Hehehe fajne :-) POzdrawiam
tantra - jeżeli nie widzisz podobieństw miedzy tymi fotami to wybacz, ale ślepy zdjęc nie robi... Zresztą Twoje folio mówi samo za siebie.Faktycznie, może zbyt pochopnie oceniłem to zdjęcie, ale takię określenie przyszło mi w pierwszej chwili. Wszystkich, a w szczególności Ciebie Lorek przepraszam. Ciesze się, ze zajrzałeś do mojego folio.
very good!...Pozdr.
nicely done, rather humorous .. :) keep posting. rgrds.
To Esperal: Dear Sir, my photo was taken during a session on February 26th so 6 days before you put your similar picture (nice as well) on this site. So I can tell you that it is not a plagiat. We just simply had the same idea at the same time unless … you have seen my own photo on my website before doing your photo. Mine was on line on February 27th (I know it was my birthday!). I do not want to go into this slippery direction because I do believe the idea of this forum is to exchange ideas and comments but certainly not to suit another photographer/artist. Yes, I have a copyright on my photos, we all have, but not on the ideas! If not, every portrait, is a plagiat! I would appreciate you to respect the philosophy of this forum and feel free to use my ideas! By the way I took a look at your photos and they are very nice especially the little kids. Lorek
Esperal ==> Twoje zdjecie zostało wstawione tutaj 5 dni po pstryknieciu tego zdjecia. Sprawdz w danych EXIF
Esperal -> Nie moge sie doszukac podobienstwa miedzy waszymi zdjeciami. U ciebie dupa i nogi, tu - ładnie sfotografowane kobiece pośladki i wyłaniające sie z cienia stopy. Miłe w odbiorze. Ja wiem ze nie mam sie czym pochwalic (kwestia czasu), ale bardzo nie podobaja mi sie bezpodstawne oskarzenia i nie moglam sie powstrzymac.
ciekawe !!!
Czy plagiat to dobre określenie?
I to tego "All Righst Reserved"...
Połączenie z modułem księżycowym :D
Sorry, stary, ale ok. 4 dni temu ja wystawiłem podobne foto. Myślę, ze odgapiasz...
very good work... don't worry about "red letters"... it's really great... :)
Ok guys! I got the message!!! Is someboby can tell me how to change the photo? I'm afraid I have to wait 5 days before being able to add a new pic. Please be indulgent and try not to take into consideration the "red letters" when looking at my "eclipse". Thank you. Lorek
zabieraj ten bazgroł w rogu!:> pomysł świetny w końcu coś innego;) tylko usuń ten bazgroł natychmiast!!:>
Sorry to all for the red letters! I will take then off as soon as possible! Lorek
mi sie podoba, fajnie wyszlo, napis faktycznie troche psuje efekt
bardzo mi sie podoba! te kształty wylaniające sie z ciemnosci... Ale te czerwone litery bardzo psują!!!
piękne...stopy - fotka też - ale podpis psuje trochę efekt
Bardzo ładne i ciekawe, ale napis strasznie psuje odbiór :(
to niezle, bardzo niezle. tylko tan podbis zbyt natretny i zbyt czerwony
O! nie wiem nie wiem... nie ocenię chyba...