z podziekowaniami :) _________ życzę miłego weekendu i uśmiechu na codzień ______________________- A priest and an Australian shepherd met each other in the final of a quiz Show.
After answering all the normal questions, they were neck-and-neck with
the same number of points and the quizmaster had to set a deciding question.
The question was, to compose a rhyme in 5 minutes including the word "Timbuktu".
After 5 minutes, the priest presented his poem :
"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu..."
The audience was thrilled and celebrated the churchman as the certain winner.
However, the Aussi stepped forward and recited :
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went,
we met three ladies cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
so I booked one and Tim booked two..."
podoba się
zasłużone gratulacje,cieszy oko:)
gratuluje gwiezdnych przygod : )
Gratuluje gwiezdnych przygod : )
to backstage`owe zdjęcie , poza mną z tego co pamiętam nikogo było :) podziekował
gratulacje :) czy tam ktos jest? :)
dziękuje za wyróżnienie ..//..Jeśli chodzi o jakość to prosze odpalic ten link http://plfoto.com/2615234/zdjecie.html
gratuluję wyróżnienia :)
Gratuluję Tomku ZD :)
...jak marzenie!... Gratuluję ZD... :)
Jakość pozostawia wiele do życzenia, ale klimacik ciekawy
piękne! :)
Moje oczy płaczą jak na to patrzę :)
Gratki :)
g r a t u l u j ę
Gratuluję ZD
Gratuluję Zdjęcia Dnia!!!
piękne !
z podziekowaniami :) _________ życzę miłego weekendu i uśmiechu na codzień ______________________- A priest and an Australian shepherd met each other in the final of a quiz Show. After answering all the normal questions, they were neck-and-neck with the same number of points and the quizmaster had to set a deciding question. The question was, to compose a rhyme in 5 minutes including the word "Timbuktu". After 5 minutes, the priest presented his poem : "I was a father all my life, I had no children, had no wife, I read the bible through and through on my way to Timbuktu..." The audience was thrilled and celebrated the churchman as the certain winner. However, the Aussi stepped forward and recited : "When Tim and I to Brisbane went, we met three ladies cheap to rent. They were three and we were two, so I booked one and Tim booked two..."
Tomek :)
cholera, :))) i tysiąc myśli więcej :)
dobre :)
robi wrażenie :)
świetny kadr :)
cudowne rozgwieżdżenie
Kapitalny kadr
Przy takim niebie można pomyśleć-to ona. Podobne gwiazdy spotykam sierpniem w dolinie. Za krótko trwa. spektakl baja.