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"Godzilla vs Gamera. Początki". Niemy film sf z 1923r. produkcji japońskiej, reż. Miyako Tamazaki.
Reżyser dziękuje Andrzejowi Carowi za zgodę na wykorzystanie Księżyca.
Na focie akurat straszliwy potwór-żółw Gamera, ale jakie dźwięki wydawał, jako żywo nie pamiętam, bo widziałam wieki temu a i to chyba nie w całości, bo nie dałam rady ;)))
mówią, że gumowa rękawiczka+kontrabas dają takie efekty..... choć słyszałem legendę, ze nagrano skrzypienie zawiasów w furtce do wytwórni i puszczono je na zwolnieniu :) Jadnak wszystkie przekazy mówią tak: "In 1954, Ifukube was asked by Toho to score Gojira (Godzilla), a giant monster film to be directed by Ishiro Honda. Many of Ifukube's colleagues tried to convince him not to take the job, thinking the film would not be a success. Ifukube did not listen to his detractors and accepted the project. As a result, his score for Gojira has become one of the most famous film scores in history and propelled Ifukube to heights of fame that no other Japanese film composer has ever reached. Additionally, Ifukube regarded his Gojira music as the best score he had ever written for a motion picture.
Ifukube also created Godzilla's trademark roar. Technicians at Toho originally went to the Tokyo Zoo and recorded the grunts and growls of several animals hoping to find the perfect sound effect for Godzilla's roar. Dissatisfied with the animal sounds they had collected, the technicians turned to Ifukube, an expert in acoustics, and asked him to produce the needed sound effect. After some experimentation, Ifukube recorded himself taking a resin-covered leather glove and dragging it along the loosened strings of a double bass (the largest and lowest pitched bowed orchestral string instrument) and slowed down the playback speed of the tape. The result was the now familiar Godzilla roar. Additionally, Ifukube created the sound of Godzilla's footfalls by striking an amplifier box with a large, knotted piece of rope...."
Wy tu o tipsach, kolczykach piti pitu ... a Monster z foty ucieka ;)
No tak... kolczyki z płyt CD były dużo później ;)
I wtedy zrodził się też pomysł na tipsy... Celuloidowe.
Na focie akurat straszliwy potwór-żółw Gamera, ale jakie dźwięki wydawał, jako żywo nie pamiętam, bo widziałam wieki temu a i to chyba nie w całości, bo nie dałam rady ;)))
mówią, że gumowa rękawiczka+kontrabas dają takie efekty..... choć słyszałem legendę, ze nagrano skrzypienie zawiasów w furtce do wytwórni i puszczono je na zwolnieniu :) Jadnak wszystkie przekazy mówią tak: "In 1954, Ifukube was asked by Toho to score Gojira (Godzilla), a giant monster film to be directed by Ishiro Honda. Many of Ifukube's colleagues tried to convince him not to take the job, thinking the film would not be a success. Ifukube did not listen to his detractors and accepted the project. As a result, his score for Gojira has become one of the most famous film scores in history and propelled Ifukube to heights of fame that no other Japanese film composer has ever reached. Additionally, Ifukube regarded his Gojira music as the best score he had ever written for a motion picture. Ifukube also created Godzilla's trademark roar. Technicians at Toho originally went to the Tokyo Zoo and recorded the grunts and growls of several animals hoping to find the perfect sound effect for Godzilla's roar. Dissatisfied with the animal sounds they had collected, the technicians turned to Ifukube, an expert in acoustics, and asked him to produce the needed sound effect. After some experimentation, Ifukube recorded himself taking a resin-covered leather glove and dragging it along the loosened strings of a double bass (the largest and lowest pitched bowed orchestral string instrument) and slowed down the playback speed of the tape. The result was the now familiar Godzilla roar. Additionally, Ifukube created the sound of Godzilla's footfalls by striking an amplifier box with a large, knotted piece of rope...."
Strach się bać :-)
Noup :) Dawaj ;)
A wiesz skąd wziął się pomysł na odgłos pierwszej "udźwiękowionej" godzilli ? hę ? :)