Opis zdjęcia
Riot police used tear gas and truncheons to disperse far-right activists in Warsaw as Poland marked its Independence Day. Two officers were reportedly injured in the clashes. Violence broke out as police attempted to disperse crowds of nationalist protesters in an attempt to prevent a confrontation with anti-fascist groups during Poland\\\'s National Day march in the country\\\'s capital. Right-wing extremists pelted officers with firecrackers and rocks as they tried to breach police cordons and reach a gathering of anti-fascist activists.
pokłosie ideologii , (oddałbym zycie za słowo: 'pumpernikiel')
ławka rezerwowych? :)))
dom tam gdzie rodzina .... Plfoto, jak nawet adres i nazwa wskazuje jest polskim forum, więc po co mieszkaniec Elbląga pisze do nas w obcym jezyku ? Przez to nie jest mądrzej i bardziej światowo.