"kupa krzaków" - plenty of bushes... To my point of view, this shot is really nice one. Colours, shadows and even these bushes are amazing, indeed and off course, there's no point in trying to satify everbody 'cause there'll always be someone who, you know, simply doesn't like it. Your gallery is incredible so do your work and enjoy it. :)))
Mariusz: so please, make a similar photo of such "kupa krzaków" and show us. Colours and shadows are fantastic and I wish I could make such shot of "some bushes"
mariusz? i do not agree. this picture has place in my gallery, and i like it. if you do not like it, ok, no problem. but you cannot say " upadek" - not only your opinion is the righ one, you know.
"kupa krzaków" - plenty of bushes... To my point of view, this shot is really nice one. Colours, shadows and even these bushes are amazing, indeed and off course, there's no point in trying to satify everbody 'cause there'll always be someone who, you know, simply doesn't like it. Your gallery is incredible so do your work and enjoy it. :)))
Ta "kupa krzaków" zdobyła swój najlepszy możliwy portret! Świetnie skadrowany i cudownie oświetlony. o! Sorry, I don't know English well enough ;)
U gotta nice texture in this one ;)
ślicznosci zimka
great photo, exposition, colors, place. if that kind of photo for mariusz_woźniak means "upadek" for him i wonder what he thinks about his photos ;)
Mariusz: so please, make a similar photo of such "kupa krzaków" and show us. Colours and shadows are fantastic and I wish I could make such shot of "some bushes"
mariusz? i do not agree. this picture has place in my gallery, and i like it. if you do not like it, ok, no problem. but you cannot say " upadek" - not only your opinion is the righ one, you know.
W swym pf masz mnóstwo bardzo dobrych zdjęć, ale to niestety do nich nie należy.
kadrowo beznadziejnie
nie no proszę Was, pstryknięta kupa krzaków i wszyscy biją brawo. Upadek
Krásne odtiene fialovej. Musel byť veľmi chladno!
Even though you're the only one I see...
Friendly Photoshoot!
Piękne światło. Pozdrawiam :)