Opis zdjęcia
Sunrise at Moraine Lake. Thanks for you comments. More picture on my website http://www.myanimalsworld.com
stare, i dobre... :)
just perfect!
in english czy po polsku...tak czy inaczej-pięknie....trafić na taki moment z tym światełkiem i takie miejsce...marzenie:)
10. :)
wzorcowa fota !
truly amazing picture ! :)
This one is imo the best so far.
great photo:)
+++ :)
Ok, I understand, thank You!
No problem Jaro, I understand your comment in polish, I can read and speak polish but I don't know how to write :) That difference between sky and lake it's because lake have green color and mixed whit early morning light you can see this.
When I was writing my polish comment, I was thinking about difference between colors of the sky and it's shadow, now I know that everything is OK:)
Ok. Bojkot is much better photographer then me - now J know more about photography...; Ondrej, great photo, J have to say (write:))...
Hi Bojkot, no is not HDR ;)
no comments...perfect shot, beautiful exposure, is it hdr?
kadr świetny, jakość też, ale trochę razi mnie duża różnica w kolorystyce nieba i jego odbicia...ale ja się nie znam:)
stare, i dobre... :)
just perfect!
in english czy po polsku...tak czy inaczej-pięknie....trafić na taki moment z tym światełkiem i takie miejsce...marzenie:)
10. :)
wzorcowa fota !
truly amazing picture ! :)
This one is imo the best so far.
great photo:)
+++ :)
Ok, I understand, thank You!
No problem Jaro, I understand your comment in polish, I can read and speak polish but I don't know how to write :) That difference between sky and lake it's because lake have green color and mixed whit early morning light you can see this.
When I was writing my polish comment, I was thinking about difference between colors of the sky and it's shadow, now I know that everything is OK:)
Ok. Bojkot is much better photographer then me - now J know more about photography...; Ondrej, great photo, J have to say (write:))...
Hi Bojkot, no is not HDR ;)
no comments...perfect shot, beautiful exposure, is it hdr?
kadr świetny, jakość też, ale trochę razi mnie duża różnica w kolorystyce nieba i jego odbicia...ale ja się nie znam:)