I think, It would be a good anti-war poster. Your work shows deterioration of human being, of human body and life. It contains a huge dose of expression and terror. There are only my imaginations, but you have left no title ... that is why it is not so easy to describe your photo just in few words. Terrifying, shocking and valuable.
bardzo dobre, przeszkadza mi napis
brilliant idea:-)
... fantastic work !!! regards !
I think, It would be a good anti-war poster. Your work shows deterioration of human being, of human body and life. It contains a huge dose of expression and terror. There are only my imaginations, but you have left no title ... that is why it is not so easy to describe your photo just in few words. Terrifying, shocking and valuable.
mam podobne :P 308031 , troche te niebieskie napisy nie pasuja moim zdammiem!
niezle :)
Crack == backbone. Very interesting idea. I like it.
niezla ta praca,fajny pomysł.
Ładne przenikanie +++
świetny pomysł
another brick in the wall.
ładnie :)))
I mi się podoba!
ups.. sorry, wery good foto
wow niezłe naprawde niezłe