- And what do you want from me? - Everything. What else is there to want?
— 26.12.2008, 15:13:02
pain solves everything.
— 22.12.2008, 08:54:45
"Photography is the foreign language that everyone thinks they can speak." Philip-Lorca diCorcia. true, true..
— 12.11.2008, 08:10:09
"I think, that the relationship has to be based on honesty and communication if it has any chance of succeeding." "Ok, if you were 25 that would be adorable, but you're 32 now, so that's just stupid."
— 9.07.2008, 23:25:22
pamiętam jeszcze Twoją serię cmentarną.. za czasów kiedy byłeś jeszcze gandhi :)
Pięknie tu u Ciebie, świetne prace, trochę nie docenione, a szkoda, bo w ciekawy sposób podajesz swoje wizje :) super :)
niesamowicie piękne folio...