People think fish are stupid, but they aren't. They know when to be quiet,
It's people that are stupid. Fish know everything, and don't need to think.
I've never caught a fish in a lie, and I've never seen a fish swim in the shit that human people do...........
z Arizona Dream
zajebiste.cieszy oko
People think fish are stupid, but they aren't. They know when to be quiet, It's people that are stupid. Fish know everything, and don't need to think. I've never caught a fish in a lie, and I've never seen a fish swim in the shit that human people do........... z Arizona Dream
makabra - nie nie nie nie
gdzies Ty to wypatrzyl ?
lol! co ma wisieć nie utonie, to przyslowie chyba nie dziala w odwrotnym kierunku!
o bosz, co to gdzie to ;/
"...chociaż jest nieżywa"
o jes