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Brak opisu.
fajnie fajnie, ciekawa seria:)
bardzo zmyslowe:)
pasowaloby do jakiejs reklamy...:) pomysl great
picture is greate, as always.
"Lorek", is it woman's name? :) or maybe it is a surname? anyway, i like it. ;)
bardzo fajne imo :)
czyste jak łza:)
pretty good shot...but in my opinion there is too much free space on the left. However, I like it, cheers!
uu klimatyczne, podoba sie :)
Nice, well composed. Adverisement-looking, worked out. Best regards.
fajnie fajnie, ciekawa seria:)
bardzo zmyslowe:)
pasowaloby do jakiejs reklamy...:) pomysl great
picture is greate, as always.
"Lorek", is it woman's name? :) or maybe it is a surname? anyway, i like it. ;)
bardzo fajne imo :)
czyste jak łza:)
pretty good shot...but in my opinion there is too much free space on the left. However, I like it, cheers!
uu klimatyczne, podoba sie :)
Nice, well composed. Adverisement-looking, worked out. Best regards.