for sure you are a fucking artist! Art can't be rated so I will not put any mark for this pmaster piece! Actually looking at your portfolio I found a bit rude the way you are rating my work. Your style is not very classic so from such artist like you I was expecting more tolerence and open mind. Pitty but I respect your point of view. best regards.
Widzę że lubisz mocno nasycone kolory i mocny kontrast. Dobra zabawa w prostych lużnych zestawieniach lini - formy. pozd.
ta seria jest niezła. miło się ogląda. fajnie podkreślone barwy i luźne ladry.
■ ajnie czasu wplyw podkreslony
chyba masz rację.. dzięki za szczerość:)
for sure you are a fucking artist! Art can't be rated so I will not put any mark for this pmaster piece! Actually looking at your portfolio I found a bit rude the way you are rating my work. Your style is not very classic so from such artist like you I was expecting more tolerence and open mind. Pitty but I respect your point of view. best regards.
wszytko w swoim czasie ;)
ciekawy pomysl chcoiaz tak banalny w sumie, mocne kontrasty i podciagniete kolory, a moze by tez kierowców w seryjke? :)