Hmmm. In the section 'O sobie' you have writen that " I love to travel .... and to take ....". As far as i am concerned you should write I love traveling and taking.....I was just wondering if you are english native speaker or not? Maybe you just want to have some fun reading coments?
I am not a English native speaker....and no I am not having fun reading the comments. I like PL Foto and unfortunately I do not speak Polish. Sorry
Hmmm. In the section 'O sobie' you have writen that " I love to travel .... and to take ....". As far as i am concerned you should write I love traveling and taking.....I was just wondering if you are english native speaker or not? Maybe you just want to have some fun reading coments?
Bajecznie kolorowa noc ! pozdr
Ładnie w wieczornym oświetleniu. :)))
Ładne kolory.
ładna fotka ale trzeba było trochę wyostrzyć po zmniejszeniu :)
Tuż przy London Eye?? Fotka jak najbardziej :) Pozdrawiam!!
774599 ;)
Bardzo ładna nocna fotka.