To Frank: Yes I agrre. However this one was made with very simple camera (in future my pics will be free of that limitation), so I wasn't able to make any adjustments. It was just an idea that if I take it that way it may look nice :) This is one of the reasons why I think this picture is someway special. Strange colors? - It was lighter at the moment of taking this photo than it is on a picture, so this might be a reason. However there is a difference between Florida's nature climate and Europe one, this might be a reason as well.
Ha ha :-) no ale fajnie, że to napisałaś, też może będzie mały remaster..;) Sentyment, nie sentyment, z czasem zrobię porządek w swoim pf
hmm... to jednak odbiega od pozostałych, ale przez sentyment... :-) rozumiem...
ja tam bede kolege promowal bo ladne sa
piekne tego nam na codzien brakuje natury patrzynia w slonce super
dobre bardzo piekne
piekne ojojojoj chcialbym moc taki umiec robic i to normalni ludzie robia pozdraeiam mario brosa
dobre, ale mogło być lepsze :)
To Frank: Yes I agrre. However this one was made with very simple camera (in future my pics will be free of that limitation), so I wasn't able to make any adjustments. It was just an idea that if I take it that way it may look nice :) This is one of the reasons why I think this picture is someway special. Strange colors? - It was lighter at the moment of taking this photo than it is on a picture, so this might be a reason. However there is a difference between Florida's nature climate and Europe one, this might be a reason as well.
way too dark... i never saw this color of sunset... in the US it is different than in europe?
Czemu kojarzy mi się ze wschodem? Barwa?
Piękne te zielenie. ładne. :)