"Contemplation"? Good title. This is nice shot - but I would make a few changes here. First things first - I would set much more space in here, maybe even panorama. Secondly, I would left only a kid here, without a women. Kid suppose to look straightly to the tower. Those are only my personal thoughts. Otherwise, this is good picture
poliszynel -> Ahhh, I see! My Polish if far too poor to understand political conversations ;-) But now, thanks to your explanation, everything is becoming clear. Does this formula works only in subsonic conditions or also in supersonic environment? Note: the big rocket on the here above photo will be launched in 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6,…
Consider a plane wave incident from medium1 into medium 2, and re-emergent into medium 1, where the two boundaries are parallel. The incident wave will have a deflected direction of propagation in medium 2, according to the angle of incidence and the index of refraction in both media, and will re-emerge parallel to but displaced from the original ray. If medium 2 is a uniaxial crystal, then the incident wave will be split upon emergence into an extraordinary and an ordinary wave; this is called double refraction or birefringence. Within the anisotropic medium, both waves have the same ß and so their wave fronts are parallel, but their ray vectors π are in different directions; upon emergence, the π vectors are realigned so as to be parallel. -> good nite ; ))
Bogdan -> It is me again. I am tired tonight so here is my question again in better English: Could you please translate (write in English) your comment because I can't understand what you said?
smarrek -> I took a look at your portfolio. I like very much your style. Your pictures are very active because of the way you frame your photos. It is great, I can see the movement of the characters. It is like a movie and I can almost hear the sound of the film! Bravo. When it comes to your comment about my here above photo (and the poor mark you gave to it) I do not agree with you because the title is "Kontemplacja". Your suggestion for a brave framing (who suit so well your photos) does not work here because, with this photo, on purpose, I wanted to show the perfect immobility of the characters. I believe what you call a “brave framing” would not be good in this case. What do you think? As a comparison with one of your (very good) photo, take the sleeping baby (its title is DD4): The “brave framing” here is excellent because it create a great effect with the suspended toys and with the bars of the bed. This perspective leads the eyes to the main subject (the baby). Note: In this photo I can hear the silence of the bedroom with a small melody to help baby to fall asleep! In my photo the vertical stability of the people lead to the vertical stability of the tower. You see what I mean? (my English is not perfect too).
c'est sans aucun doute un photo attirant attention, plein de chaleur, et de.. vent..:] J'en [le?]adore. [J'ai toujours des ploblemes avec les articles ;)]
la tour eiffel..c'est mon reve de la revoir..et voici la tour presentee d'une facon tellement fraiche et vraiment peu typique..j'adore aussi les nuages, ils attirent l'attention et font peur a la fois:) trop genial:)
qu'est-ce que je peux t'ecrire ici...? la tour eiffel est une construction tellement repandue en photographie que c'est vraiment difficile de la montrer autrement et de facon orginale:) toi, tu l'a montree vraiment tres tres bien... tu conduis le regard tres atroitement... superbe:)
i like your portfolio, you're on of my favourite artists and i'd like you to work more, harder maybe, for i could watch some excellent fotos more often;]
MrGrzegorz -> I fully agree with you but the lady and the kid spent only few seconds in this position and on the right side were more people so I could not frame my picture with the Tower more on the left. Niestety! Thank you for your comment.
Iness -> J’entends ton accent même quand tu écris! Mais, je t'assure que c'est très joli et, de plus, …. moi j'adore!! Je te souhaite une bonne journée. Lorek - PS : j’ai regardé toutes tes photos, elles sont vraiment très bien.
Iness -> Merci pour ton commentaire. Tu as raison mais il a fallu que je me dépêche pour prendre cette photo car la dame et son enfant ne sont restés que quelques secondes dans cette position. Tu parles très bien Français. Jestem pod wrazeniem bo ja nie mowie po Polsku. Nie ma talentu i jestem troche len ! Bon weekend. J’aime tes photos.
Gdyby usunąc prawdziwa wieże to byłby ich własny Paryż. I to by było piękne i subtelne...a w tym wypadku mogłeś zadbać przynajmniej o to by się nie nakładały te dwie wieże - przynajmniej nie w taki sposób..
bien, bien... ;}
Lorek, I don`t understand what Bogdan means in polish, so better we shouldn`t translate his words :P
super !!!
świetne ujęcie. pozdrawiam i zapraszam do obejżenia mojej wieży :]
świetny pomysł:) bomba:)
Thanks but it was a "non posed" picture. It was with a lot of people around and passing so I had only 1 second to take the photo!
"Contemplation"? Good title. This is nice shot - but I would make a few changes here. First things first - I would set much more space in here, maybe even panorama. Secondly, I would left only a kid here, without a women. Kid suppose to look straightly to the tower. Those are only my personal thoughts. Otherwise, this is good picture
chyba znam ta wieża... :)
No pojechałes po całości , tzn. w stronę plusa :) .. a ja się tam zamierzam wybrać I love Paris every moment ;))) Pozdro .
Thank you
Wonderful :)
ciekawe :) spoko
my favourite:)
Impressive :)
ciekawe, ciekawe
Aga5 Jest to moje ulubione zdęcie. Moim zdaniem jest w nim coś z piękna , romantyzmu i... przemijania , niestety. Cudowne
poliszynel -> Ahhh, I see! My Polish if far too poor to understand political conversations ;-) But now, thanks to your explanation, everything is becoming clear. Does this formula works only in subsonic conditions or also in supersonic environment? Note: the big rocket on the here above photo will be launched in 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6,…
Consider a plane wave incident from medium1 into medium 2, and re-emergent into medium 1, where the two boundaries are parallel. The incident wave will have a deflected direction of propagation in medium 2, according to the angle of incidence and the index of refraction in both media, and will re-emerge parallel to but displaced from the original ray. If medium 2 is a uniaxial crystal, then the incident wave will be split upon emergence into an extraordinary and an ordinary wave; this is called double refraction or birefringence. Within the anisotropic medium, both waves have the same ß and so their wave fronts are parallel, but their ray vectors π are in different directions; upon emergence, the π vectors are realigned so as to be parallel. -> good nite ; ))
Bogdan -> It is me again. I am tired tonight so here is my question again in better English: Could you please translate (write in English) your comment because I can't understand what you said?
I doubt one can grasp it here, unless you're scientist or phisicist ; )) however it's irrevelant to your image... dude is trippin'
Bogdan -> Sorry ale nie rozumiem! Cant you right your comment again in English?
.....anizotropia optyczna, równanie elipsoidy Fresnela, dwójłomność, ośrodki jedno- i dwuosiowe, przejście światła przez płytkę dwójłomną....
I like the idea with the smaller Eiffla. Besides frame is very good.Regards
there's a lot of solitude in this frame, I like it
quam ob causam scribitis linguas sic vulgaribus? hanc imaginem luce pictam magnopere formosam puto. forma pallioli ridicula est :)
Paryż...... wzdech wzdech wzdech Fotografia genialna!!!!
światneeeeeeee, najlepsze zdjecie jakie dzisiaj widzialam
smarrek -> I took a look at your portfolio. I like very much your style. Your pictures are very active because of the way you frame your photos. It is great, I can see the movement of the characters. It is like a movie and I can almost hear the sound of the film! Bravo. When it comes to your comment about my here above photo (and the poor mark you gave to it) I do not agree with you because the title is "Kontemplacja". Your suggestion for a brave framing (who suit so well your photos) does not work here because, with this photo, on purpose, I wanted to show the perfect immobility of the characters. I believe what you call a “brave framing” would not be good in this case. What do you think? As a comparison with one of your (very good) photo, take the sleeping baby (its title is DD4): The “brave framing” here is excellent because it create a great effect with the suspended toys and with the bars of the bed. This perspective leads the eyes to the main subject (the baby). Note: In this photo I can hear the silence of the bedroom with a small melody to help baby to fall asleep! In my photo the vertical stability of the people lead to the vertical stability of the tower. You see what I mean? (my English is not perfect too).
try to make more bravery framing. (Sorry for my english)
No to pogadalim...
c'est sans aucun doute un photo attirant attention, plein de chaleur, et de.. vent..:] J'en [le?]adore. [J'ai toujours des ploblemes avec les articles ;)]
la tour eiffel..c'est mon reve de la revoir..et voici la tour presentee d'une facon tellement fraiche et vraiment peu typique..j'adore aussi les nuages, ils attirent l'attention et font peur a la fois:) trop genial:)
n'exagere pas:)
povalka -> Merci! tu vas me faire rougir!
qu'est-ce que je peux t'ecrire ici...? la tour eiffel est une construction tellement repandue en photographie que c'est vraiment difficile de la montrer autrement et de facon orginale:) toi, tu l'a montree vraiment tres tres bien... tu conduis le regard tres atroitement... superbe:)
Very good photo, I like it very much. I invite you to my portfolio :)
Michał Gąsior -> Thank you very much. I do appreciate! I invite you to visit my webpage. Regards
i like your portfolio, you're on of my favourite artists and i'd like you to work more, harder maybe, for i could watch some excellent fotos more often;]
trumpet-> your comment is good but not complete ;-)
the picture is good, but not perfect
fajne :)
nice shot.
Je n'ai parle pas francais bien... But if I could I'd write comments in French. ;) Photo is nice but isn't it a bit slanting...? ;]
ona jest dobra, ta koncepcja :)
według przepowiedni jednego Francuza przyjdzie walec i usunie tę konstrukcje z drugiego planu. pretty soon...
oooo tak, to zdecydowanie tak! pzdr
This is great! I admire the "two towers" idea. -> Dżihad benladen dżihad (to to samo ale po arabsku :P)
I think it is very good and inventive foto. I like it
MrGrzegorz -> I fully agree with you but the lady and the kid spent only few seconds in this position and on the right side were more people so I could not frame my picture with the Tower more on the left. Niestety! Thank you for your comment.
c'est tres sympathique ;)
You should have done it in a better way. Just move the tower to the left and show it all at wider angle.
śliczne, ma w sobie coś z przemijania.........
Iness -> Tak jest ale piekny akcent! Ja barzo lubie!
Oh lala... j'espere que ce n'est pas mon accent polonaise dont t'entends ;)
nice one brother :-)
all your photos are exceptional!
wspomnienia czar ?!
oooo Paris Paris:))) It`s my dream to find myself there and see this miracle alive!!!
Iness -> J’entends ton accent même quand tu écris! Mais, je t'assure que c'est très joli et, de plus, …. moi j'adore!! Je te souhaite une bonne journée. Lorek - PS : j’ai regardé toutes tes photos, elles sont vraiment très bien.
Ah oui, je parle pas mal francais, mais malheureusement je ne me soviens plus comment il faut ecrire... et je fais beaucoup des fautes. :) Bonne nuit!
Iness -> Merci pour ton commentaire. Tu as raison mais il a fallu que je me dépêche pour prendre cette photo car la dame et son enfant ne sont restés que quelques secondes dans cette position. Tu parles très bien Français. Jestem pod wrazeniem bo ja nie mowie po Polsku. Nie ma talentu i jestem troche len ! Bon weekend. J’aime tes photos.
Alors tu es francais ??? Je ne savais pas... C'etait une bonne idee, mais, a mon avis l'efect n'est pas perfect!
Thank you all for your comment. I wish you a nice weekend!
Gapollo był pierwszy ;)
dr koyot -> Thank you for your idea but it might not be so easy to remove the real one! ;-)
paris in paris
Gdyby usunąc prawdziwa wieże to byłby ich własny Paryż. I to by było piękne i subtelne...a w tym wypadku mogłeś zadbać przynajmniej o to by się nie nakładały te dwie wieże - przynajmniej nie w taki sposób..
mamo a skąd się biorą wieże ajfla ???
Tę konstrukcję w tle trzeba było usunąć, wystarczyłaby miniaturka i pani z dzieckiem
POMYSŁ CIEKAWY... ale dalej to juz jakoś tak poleciało... za mała GO... dość ciasnawo w kadrze...
Zręczny pomysł.
Podoba mi się:D Bardzo fajny pomysł...Świetna fota!Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie
a musi być aż tak dużo elementów?