please, can you send me more information about this picture?... Maybe I would like to buy this photo (... If it's possible). Specially I’m interested in electronic form, .jpg or .tif with 300 dpi. I would like to purchase the photos in graphical works. Can you send me the price of this picture incl. license at a time? ... and how I can contact you beyond this platform/forum?
Dzienkuje bardzo!
Pozdrowienie z norymbergi (niemce)
ps. sorry for any incorrect english words or sentences “j
... Pisze po angielsku, bo po polsku umie muwic ale zle pisac, sorry.
Magdalena H.
Hi, ... to nie zart! "j Mi sie te zdience bardzo podoba! ... wjencej - sobacz email! dzienkuje best regards
magster: to mnie zaskoczyłaś (jeżeli to nie żart) :) daj znać na teslar@poczta.onet.pl
Hi, please, can you send me more information about this picture?... Maybe I would like to buy this photo (... If it's possible). Specially I’m interested in electronic form, .jpg or .tif with 300 dpi. I would like to purchase the photos in graphical works. Can you send me the price of this picture incl. license at a time? ... and how I can contact you beyond this platform/forum? Dzienkuje bardzo! Pozdrowienie z norymbergi (niemce) ps. sorry for any incorrect english words or sentences “j ... Pisze po angielsku, bo po polsku umie muwic ale zle pisac, sorry. Magdalena H.
very ladne :-)
:) dzięki
Jeszcze raz ładne :)
Podoba się. Pozdrawiam
swietne makro.Pozdrawiam
fajne GO ikolorki
ładne x 4 albo 5 ;P
ladne x 3. chociaz mam wrazenie, ze troche mu za ciasno w kadrze...
ładne x 3
ładne x 2