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bardzo smutna wiadomość: A Message from Jet Black March 8th 2007
When I awoke one morning in 1972 and made a historic decision to create a band, there were a few things that were not immediately on my mind. One - for a start - was how to go about it. Another was how the resulting combo might survive for the following 12 months, completely unknown as they then would probably be. Even more obscure, the notion that the said outfit might actually survive for some decades. But surely the most unlikely of all, would have been, had I thought about it, that following a surprise illness in 2007 - some 35 years later - I would be deluged with messages of love and affection - emotions not normally associated with Jet Black! - by droves of people from all over the world, many of whom I have never knowingly met.
It is with some humility then, that I feel moved to express my sincerest thanks to all the legions of people who have wished me both good luck and a speedy recovery from my present ill health.
Your messages have been both informative and amusing, whilst at times downright bizarre. One writer advising that I may have been ‘spooked’ by aliens!
With such apparent interest, I am taking the unusual step of giving you all the facts as far as they are relevant, which at the very least is intended to inform those wishing to know. I see no reason why it should become a closely guarded secret.
It is now fairly well known that the technical term for my condition is, ‘Atrial Fibrillation’. Some of you have correctly identified that this is a heart condition where the upper chambers, which is the Atrial bit, become flooded, and Fibrillation simply means quivering or vibrating. Untreated, this can cause fatigue at best, and a stroke at much worse.
There are apparently many reasons why this condition occurs, but in my case, it started out very much as a “mystery” illness.
I sat down one morning in January to watch the morning news, and after only 25-30 minutes I was beginning to feel ‘affected’. At first I was aware of a rising temperature, then I started shaking, as if it were the onset of something like Malaria.
Although concerned, I tended to the idea that I was perhaps coming under the influence of the seasonal flu bug. As the day wore on, it slowly dawned that this was more than mere flu. By tea-time I was on the way to the nearest hospital for an ‘opinion’.
After the initial inspection, the doctors ordered that I be rushed off to the nearest cardiac unit with a suspected heart attack. I am at least happy to announce that although my heart was indeed under attack, it was not actually, a “heart attack”.
That first night, which was to be the first of 10 in hospital, was pretty damn awful and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Tests went on through the night and by the morning the doctors announced that I had a “suspected” viral infection which had triggered ‘Atrial Fibrillation’. Known simply as ‘AF’ in the medical profession.
I now know, but didn’t then, that in this condition, the heart gets flooded and is unable to function properly. I guess a fair analogy would be something like the oil system in an engine. If the oil pump packs up, you can be sure the whole engine will soon be in grave danger.
The upshot of this was that every part of the body, and I mean every part, was in pain. I couldn’t lift a finger, let alone take a step. They have a word for this, I believe it’s myralgia (or myalgia), i.e. pain everywhere! Initially, this was the biggest problem as I was completely immobilised by it. Those first 8 days in hospital were spent propped up in a chair as it was simply too painful to even attempt to get into bed.
Well, to cut to the chase here, it wasn’t until day 7 that it was revealed in an x-ray, that the bug was in my lungs and I’m pleased to say that that was then quickly zapped by the ever wonderful anti-biotic group of medicines.
I have been at home for awhile now and some days I feel absolutely fine although any attempt to do too much induces fatigue & exhaustion. My heartbeat is still irregular but it has all improved immensely over the weeks. It is hoped that the current medication will assist the heartbeat to regularise in due course and reinstate a ‘normal’ feeling of well-being.
Whilst I’m at it, it is surely appropriate that I also say a big thank you to some very special people. Firstly Ian Barnard, my very capable drum tech who stepped into my shoes for the Iceland gig and for sure, at least a few more. I’ve no doubt that he enjoyed the experience but he did it with such ease and confidence so as to make the show as easy as possible for the rest of the band. Then to them also, the band, who rose to the occasion so as to ensure the gig went ahead.
Then our long suffering crew, who in a crises, and there are plenty of those, always bend over backwards to make the occasion a success, and Sil Willcox and Alan Hale for their astute appraisal of the situation.
But the final accolade must surely be for you, Mr & Mrs Joe Public whoever you are, without your patronage and understanding for over 30 years, there simply wouldn’t be a.........The Stranglers. Thank you.
Jet Black.......2007
jeśli ktoś nie słuchał Suite XVI może zaznać rozkoszy odsłuchania płyty - jedenastu całych kawalasów:) na http://music. download. com/fullalbumstreamthestranglers (po prawej: PLAY NOW)
Always - wszystko jest - "Rarities" sprzedalem, bo cały repertuar z rarytasów jest jako bonusy na reedycjach normalnych płyt. "All Tvelve" i "Saturday night" mam na kasetach, tę drugą także na video, jako "Live Alexandra Palace"
no udało się;) - 11 sierpnia Stranglersi wydaja singiel “Spectre Of Love”. 25 sierpnia ukazuje się album “Suite XVI”. Jak ktoś chce posłuchać fragmencika – proszę uprzejmie:
http://www.stranglers. net/ecard.html (pomiń spację)
No i jest okazja - z mojego ukochanego zespołu odszedł wokalista Paul Roberts. Skupia sie na projektach solowych. Co ciekawe i Hugh Cornwell i P. R. wytrzymali w składzie dusicielskim równo po 16 lat, na dodatek pozostała czwórka jest w trakcie nagrywania 16 plyty studyjnej o roboczym tytule.. "Suite XVI"... :)vMam poważne obawy, ze ta płyta będzie kolejnym zwrotem Stranglersów w strone krainy łagodnosci... JJ Burnell juz raczej nie pokrzyczy. A tak juz było dobrze.. ostatni long z Robertsem okrzyknieto ich najlepszą propozycja od 1979 roku... No - zobaczymy, W kazdym razie: POWODZENIA - STARSI PANOWIE!
...a co powiesz Punkowcu o Manic Street Preachers??? ...szczególnie ich pierwszych płytach... właśnie wpadła mi w ręce ich składanka... i całkiem, całkiem
hmmmku - to ucho to Aural Sculpture - rzeźba wystawiona na Trafalgar Square w 1984, z okazji trasy promocyjnej płyty pod tym samym tytułem:) pozdrawiam
koncert był bardzo fajny. impreza po koncercie też:)
No no Peiter :) Ładna kolekcyjka, mam nadzieję że i mnie pociągnie kiedyś w fascynacje tymi rejonami muzycznymi.
Stranglersi - juz niestety bez Jeta Blacka - graja we Wroclawiu w HaliOrbity 14.03 w ramach Przeglądu Piosenki aktorskiej
bardzo smutna wiadomość: A Message from Jet Black March 8th 2007 When I awoke one morning in 1972 and made a historic decision to create a band, there were a few things that were not immediately on my mind. One - for a start - was how to go about it. Another was how the resulting combo might survive for the following 12 months, completely unknown as they then would probably be. Even more obscure, the notion that the said outfit might actually survive for some decades. But surely the most unlikely of all, would have been, had I thought about it, that following a surprise illness in 2007 - some 35 years later - I would be deluged with messages of love and affection - emotions not normally associated with Jet Black! - by droves of people from all over the world, many of whom I have never knowingly met. It is with some humility then, that I feel moved to express my sincerest thanks to all the legions of people who have wished me both good luck and a speedy recovery from my present ill health. Your messages have been both informative and amusing, whilst at times downright bizarre. One writer advising that I may have been ‘spooked’ by aliens! With such apparent interest, I am taking the unusual step of giving you all the facts as far as they are relevant, which at the very least is intended to inform those wishing to know. I see no reason why it should become a closely guarded secret. It is now fairly well known that the technical term for my condition is, ‘Atrial Fibrillation’. Some of you have correctly identified that this is a heart condition where the upper chambers, which is the Atrial bit, become flooded, and Fibrillation simply means quivering or vibrating. Untreated, this can cause fatigue at best, and a stroke at much worse. There are apparently many reasons why this condition occurs, but in my case, it started out very much as a “mystery” illness. I sat down one morning in January to watch the morning news, and after only 25-30 minutes I was beginning to feel ‘affected’. At first I was aware of a rising temperature, then I started shaking, as if it were the onset of something like Malaria. Although concerned, I tended to the idea that I was perhaps coming under the influence of the seasonal flu bug. As the day wore on, it slowly dawned that this was more than mere flu. By tea-time I was on the way to the nearest hospital for an ‘opinion’. After the initial inspection, the doctors ordered that I be rushed off to the nearest cardiac unit with a suspected heart attack. I am at least happy to announce that although my heart was indeed under attack, it was not actually, a “heart attack”. That first night, which was to be the first of 10 in hospital, was pretty damn awful and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Tests went on through the night and by the morning the doctors announced that I had a “suspected” viral infection which had triggered ‘Atrial Fibrillation’. Known simply as ‘AF’ in the medical profession. I now know, but didn’t then, that in this condition, the heart gets flooded and is unable to function properly. I guess a fair analogy would be something like the oil system in an engine. If the oil pump packs up, you can be sure the whole engine will soon be in grave danger. The upshot of this was that every part of the body, and I mean every part, was in pain. I couldn’t lift a finger, let alone take a step. They have a word for this, I believe it’s myralgia (or myalgia), i.e. pain everywhere! Initially, this was the biggest problem as I was completely immobilised by it. Those first 8 days in hospital were spent propped up in a chair as it was simply too painful to even attempt to get into bed. Well, to cut to the chase here, it wasn’t until day 7 that it was revealed in an x-ray, that the bug was in my lungs and I’m pleased to say that that was then quickly zapped by the ever wonderful anti-biotic group of medicines. I have been at home for awhile now and some days I feel absolutely fine although any attempt to do too much induces fatigue & exhaustion. My heartbeat is still irregular but it has all improved immensely over the weeks. It is hoped that the current medication will assist the heartbeat to regularise in due course and reinstate a ‘normal’ feeling of well-being. Whilst I’m at it, it is surely appropriate that I also say a big thank you to some very special people. Firstly Ian Barnard, my very capable drum tech who stepped into my shoes for the Iceland gig and for sure, at least a few more. I’ve no doubt that he enjoyed the experience but he did it with such ease and confidence so as to make the show as easy as possible for the rest of the band. Then to them also, the band, who rose to the occasion so as to ensure the gig went ahead. Then our long suffering crew, who in a crises, and there are plenty of those, always bend over backwards to make the occasion a success, and Sil Willcox and Alan Hale for their astute appraisal of the situation. But the final accolade must surely be for you, Mr & Mrs Joe Public whoever you are, without your patronage and understanding for over 30 years, there simply wouldn’t be a.........The Stranglers. Thank you. Jet Black.......2007
lub też zassać mp3 bardzo wysokiej jakości z http://www.ex-torrent.pl/szczegoly/muzyka/1689 polecam zwłaszcza kawałek "Barbara An"
jeśli ktoś nie słuchał Suite XVI może zaznać rozkoszy odsłuchania płyty - jedenastu całych kawalasów:) na http://music. download. com/fullalbumstreamthestranglers (po prawej: PLAY NOW)
http://www.stranglers.net/news.html . .
Always - wszystko jest - "Rarities" sprzedalem, bo cały repertuar z rarytasów jest jako bonusy na reedycjach normalnych płyt. "All Tvelve" i "Saturday night" mam na kasetach, tę drugą także na video, jako "Live Alexandra Palace"
nie ma jeszcze "All Twelve Inches" Rarities, The Early Years, Saturday Night Sunday Morning...
w PD moja ulubiona... Threatened i Nice and Sleazy osobliwie, i w ogóle cała, choć Rattus też, też...
no udało się;) - 11 sierpnia Stranglersi wydaja singiel “Spectre Of Love”. 25 sierpnia ukazuje się album “Suite XVI”. Jak ktoś chce posłuchać fragmencika – proszę uprzejmie: http://www.stranglers. net/ecard.html (pomiń spację)
koleś z MORPHINE był dobry...2 struny mu wystarczały !
z bassem to mi się MIKE WATT kojarzy !
No i jest okazja - z mojego ukochanego zespołu odszedł wokalista Paul Roberts. Skupia sie na projektach solowych. Co ciekawe i Hugh Cornwell i P. R. wytrzymali w składzie dusicielskim równo po 16 lat, na dodatek pozostała czwórka jest w trakcie nagrywania 16 plyty studyjnej o roboczym tytule.. "Suite XVI"... :)vMam poważne obawy, ze ta płyta będzie kolejnym zwrotem Stranglersów w strone krainy łagodnosci... JJ Burnell juz raczej nie pokrzyczy. A tak juz było dobrze.. ostatni long z Robertsem okrzyknieto ich najlepszą propozycja od 1979 roku... No - zobaczymy, W kazdym razie: POWODZENIA - STARSI PANOWIE!
9 lipca STRANGLERSI graja na festiwalu w Węgorzewie
głupawe jeszcze raz
proponuję "European Female"
o tak, wgram sobie polifoniczne z jakimś motywem Stranglersów... co proponujesz?...
... :) najlepsze komentarze purystów fotografii
wykladzina nie fajna ale plyty tak, znasz taki band: Tiger Lilly? podaj namiar mailowy to Ci puszcze probke, pzdr
ano nic nie powiem, bo nie słyszałem
...a co powiesz Punkowcu o Manic Street Preachers??? ...szczególnie ich pierwszych płytach... właśnie wpadła mi w ręce ich składanka... i całkiem, całkiem
Eeee... chciałeś się pochwalić kolekcją płyt?? ;]
Peiter ... upodobania muzyczne no!!!! :)
no bardzo fajna :] miałam taką samą w pokoju przez jakieś 2 lata ;)
hmmmek chlopie! gdzieś Ty jego uszy widziała? Jafinencja - wykładzinka ładna powiadasz?
piękna wykładzina! a teraz grzecznie posprzątaj ten bałagan.. happening skończony :]
... mówiłam o Twoim ;)) ... ale dziękuję za wyczerpujące informacje na temat okładkowego :))
hmmmku - to ucho to Aural Sculpture - rzeźba wystawiona na Trafalgar Square w 1984, z okazji trasy promocyjnej płyty pod tym samym tytułem:) pozdrawiam
niespotykane....ucho :)
madry seti, madry... masz cukierka:)
lubię dusicieli :)
heheh dobre :D
to nie allegro - nie sprzedał bym za żadne skarby...
cieszymy sie razem z toba a fotka to knot, to nie allegro.