Szurik a szto w gorodie Minsk? Priekrasnyje diewoczki u was. Snimka toże choroszaja. You understand me? I love your language!! Mamiya C33 wonderful camera! Whot obaut skin of model?
I've just posted a new picture, by the way ;-).
I'm using film cameras Nikon F80 and Mamiya C33. This one was taken with Mamiya and Sekor 180/4,5. A friend of mine found this site and suggested to post photos.
Great portrait, decent photo for the beginning, I hope to see some more pictures as good as this one. Could you tell me something about equipment you used to take this photo and at all how did you find plfoto? Regards
as far as i don't understand polish, you may write in russian too, but i would like the comments to be understood by everyone else. i don't think the guys show off speaking english here, it's just the way we communicate and understand each other. i'm very glad you come in to my page, give useful advices and leave comments. thank you all.
goddammit! just look at all those guys trying to show off their language skills :DDD. As to the contrasts I would try to darken the whole picture, it would certainly black the blacks :) but if you'll find it too dark after all, maybe you should try selective darkening through such PS tools as magic wand or magnetic lasso. Only then blacks could be more black while the rest of the picture could remain intact. If you're patient you can also try the PS burn tool. How do you say it in russian? Zdrastwujtie? :) Pozdrawiam wszystkich poliglotów :)
For me it's very nice picture... interesting atmosphere... goodlooking lady... I have something similar in my portfolio... her eyes are hypnotic :) nice tonal... I must say I'm impressed...
łeee .. a ja sie dopiero rozkeracalem :D.. a kurde wiesz co .. padlo mi icq.. bo wina reinstalowalem.. ale jak odzyskam wszystko to sie odezwe :) ( nie zebym o Tobie zapomnial czy cus )
u r a smart one jaskolka.. it's like late afternoon or something at your place... and i'd really love to get some sleep . vcause it's 3.13 am here... sing me a lullaby ;D
damn.. i'm off.. u see shurik.. this is how things work here... i was on my way to bed about three hours ago.. and becouse of this place ( and also because of some people [ aztec is pointing his finger towards jaskolka] :P ) i'm still here...
thank you. this is actually a square shot. i had to cut it a bit below, cos it looked a bit disturbing to me. as for me i prefare not to post frame squre shots and leave them as they are. don't quite agree that the image is too centered.
as for the milky look of the picture
1. i depend on the scanning service and sometimes the files could be better. i've noticed digital labs sometimes better work with color materials. i don't like to make bw from color negs. thats how i see bw.
2. rising the contrast in PS killes details in blacks here and i prefare this image over more contrasty one. imo, its tonal range is satisfactory.
anyway, beauty is in the eyes of beer-holder :-))))
3. as you know, using filters helps to rise overall contrast of bw images and i'd rather not add it if its not in the image originally. i can't find filters for bw for the lenses i extensively use at my place. if anybody of you could help me to get them, it'd be just great and i'd be more than thankful.
wow, nice photo. I love the quality, beautiful eyes. A little bit to centered for me, but in the same time I guess since the hair are centered on the face. Perhaps square would be much stronger format for that kind of shot. Nice start :-)
shurik... some people enjoy pissing others off then phototaking.. but don't pay attention to these people ( this is propably not the best word to describe them)
not so young commie >>
although i'm a russian, i understand english much, much better than polish. if you write in polish, it takes a lot of time to figure it out. just saying sorry...
jest piękne
white_raven>>>>> i've been doing photography for fun for about 3 years. the last year i'm a freelancer.
I like your portfolio... what do you do for a living? are you a pfotograpfer or it's just your hobby?
swietne bardzo :o)
piekne ... modelka czy fotka - o to jest pytanie ...
well. nice b&w, shadows and sharpness.. but in my opinion there is nothing special in model's position. anyway.. good job :)
I love the water no her skin
Sorry, adam wołosz, I didn't get your question.
sorry, I didn't see your comment, i think it's a great photo, howeret contrass could be a liitle bigger in my opinion.
oj piekna fota! moze ciutke wiekszy kontrast bylby leszy, ale jest swietnie tak jak jest tez!
Wielka klasa:) pozdr
Szurik a szto w gorodie Minsk? Priekrasnyje diewoczki u was. Snimka toże choroszaja. You understand me? I love your language!! Mamiya C33 wonderful camera! Whot obaut skin of model?
I've just posted a new picture, by the way ;-). I'm using film cameras Nikon F80 and Mamiya C33. This one was taken with Mamiya and Sekor 180/4,5. A friend of mine found this site and suggested to post photos.
Great portrait, decent photo for the beginning, I hope to see some more pictures as good as this one. Could you tell me something about equipment you used to take this photo and at all how did you find plfoto? Regards
i like it very much, good luck, shurik
dobree.../ verry guuut.. ;-)
as far as i don't understand polish, you may write in russian too, but i would like the comments to be understood by everyone else. i don't think the guys show off speaking english here, it's just the way we communicate and understand each other. i'm very glad you come in to my page, give useful advices and leave comments. thank you all.
sorry, I was trying to write my comment in cyrylic alphabet ;)
???????, ??? ????? ?????????, ??????????
a mogu li ja goworit' po russkij? ;)
beautiful eyes :)
goddammit! just look at all those guys trying to show off their language skills :DDD. As to the contrasts I would try to darken the whole picture, it would certainly black the blacks :) but if you'll find it too dark after all, maybe you should try selective darkening through such PS tools as magic wand or magnetic lasso. Only then blacks could be more black while the rest of the picture could remain intact. If you're patient you can also try the PS burn tool. How do you say it in russian? Zdrastwujtie? :) Pozdrawiam wszystkich poliglotów :)
For me it's very nice picture... interesting atmosphere... goodlooking lady... I have something similar in my portfolio... her eyes are hypnotic :) nice tonal... I must say I'm impressed...
sehr gut tzn. wery good :P
I think so everything is all right ... greetings, nice picture ;) (maybe u should to crop a little bit left side ... but or maybe not ;) ;)
well well.. perfect features.. delightful frame.. excelent lights and shadows.. (color is the key)
i would crop the left side of the picture (a little bit); you have caught great look; regards
Absolutely great portrait. You've created a perfect mood with that light. Hope to see more of your photographs soon!
ponravilos', no kapli vody sozdajut effekt defektov kozhi. BTW, model' ochen' simpatichnaja:)
...niby to samo ...a jednak cos innego...bardzo mi sie podoba....
YYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!! 100 for me
jakie kurna vivca .. :/ damn... bed time for me :/
pozostaje tylko nauczycielom podziekowac .. viva academia .. vivca profesores ( czu cus ;] )
Aztec> ahh laciniasz z ciebie ze hey :)
veni vidi komentaczczi ;]
Aztec> -----> 292373 (autoreklama) LOL
Pomidor> LOL
u mean sing.. don't u ? .. no zebym ja Cie musial z angelska mowic :D
Aztec> if I sign for you, you will have nightmares hahaha
pomodor :DDDDDDD
łeee .. a ja sie dopiero rozkeracalem :D.. a kurde wiesz co .. padlo mi icq.. bo wina reinstalowalem.. ale jak odzyskam wszystko to sie odezwe :) ( nie zebym o Tobie zapomnial czy cus )
oj nie tu mialo pojsc. wersja angielska: shit i shouldnt paste it here.
ohh.. it reminds me of "pull my finger tommy" ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD
ok mam dosc angielskiego hehe.. wystarczy mi 8 godzin dziennie ;-D A autor tak zasnal..
get on your knees honey.
u r a smart one jaskolka.. it's like late afternoon or something at your place... and i'd really love to get some sleep . vcause it's 3.13 am here... sing me a lullaby ;D
or or or ... I will point MY finger at u.. and u know what that means :-D
c ya later alligator :-D
or what?? :P :>
Aztec> hey! don't point the finger at me mr. :PP
a wogole to "jaaskolka" jak widze.
a "jaskolka" myslalem ze "jaskoolka" sory.
nighty night every1
aztec i jaskoolka
damn.. i'm off.. u see shurik.. this is how things work here... i was on my way to bed about three hours ago.. and becouse of this place ( and also because of some people [ aztec is pointing his finger towards jaskolka] :P ) i'm still here...
Jaskolka :P
Aztec :P
what lenses do u use? :) ... ( i'll reply in the morning... or please write me an email) .. c u .. ( i'l be definetly watching you) cheers..
what camera do you use?
thank you. this is actually a square shot. i had to cut it a bit below, cos it looked a bit disturbing to me. as for me i prefare not to post frame squre shots and leave them as they are. don't quite agree that the image is too centered. as for the milky look of the picture 1. i depend on the scanning service and sometimes the files could be better. i've noticed digital labs sometimes better work with color materials. i don't like to make bw from color negs. thats how i see bw. 2. rising the contrast in PS killes details in blacks here and i prefare this image over more contrasty one. imo, its tonal range is satisfactory. anyway, beauty is in the eyes of beer-holder :-)))) 3. as you know, using filters helps to rise overall contrast of bw images and i'd rather not add it if its not in the image originally. i can't find filters for bw for the lenses i extensively use at my place. if anybody of you could help me to get them, it'd be just great and i'd be more than thankful.
wow, nice photo. I love the quality, beautiful eyes. A little bit to centered for me, but in the same time I guess since the hair are centered on the face. Perhaps square would be much stronger format for that kind of shot. Nice start :-)
ok, guys, better go to grab some sleep thanks a LOT (not your air company :-))) for your time, comments and attention. cu
stunning portrait
:))))))))) nu ti dayosh....
Odna Babka Skazala
?what's OBS?
rufin>>> OBS does its job
you may not piss others off, unless you get to top 48 every day :-)
shurik ti esho zdes'? a kak ti nashol etot sayt??
KOKON: ...kindergarten :))) Sehr Gut! :))
there's something in her eyes, but I don't know what :) nice pic.
shurik... some people enjoy pissing others off then phototaking.. but don't pay attention to these people ( this is propably not the best word to describe them)
We sure do :D
shurik: that's right :)
anyway we all enjoy picture taking
well ok.. we may call i that way .. it's a place with numerous " you don't know shit.. i am the best anyway" :)
A kindergarten, sometimes;-)
I wouldn't say battlefield. I would say "a place, where too many loosers speak about things they don't know anything about". no worries.
się robi panie kapitanie ! :D
Aztec, OK... you are right :))
not so young commie >> thats when i find out if this place is really a battlefield
Matys: Ty mnie lepiej pokomentuj na alcie;-)
it deserves to reach the top48
taa ..jednak na anglojęzycznych serwisach raczej nie jest w zwyczaju prosić o komentsy po polsku
I bardzo dobrze, bo to bardzo fajne zdjęcie jest.
Tomek.. oh come on.. we have to let shurik know what is going on here... there should be a survival guide for this site :]
by the way, your pic is gonna make to the "top 48", I think.
eh? I didn't use polish, I think you confused me with someone else. ciao.
not so young commie >> although i'm a russian, i understand english much, much better than polish. if you write in polish, it takes a lot of time to figure it out. just saying sorry...
Aztec... what a shame :))) How could you?! ... ;)))