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Interesting angle... You should have cleaned the beach before the shot! ;-))
It isn't Katwijk, it is the island of Terschelling...
Goedemiddag... Katwijk? regards :)
ciekawy kadr.. :) podoba sie.. pozrawiam..
quite nice. niestety nie wiem jak bedzie "marsjanski" :) regards
nawet fajne. marsjanskie. pzdr
Interesting angle... You should have cleaned the beach before the shot! ;-))
It isn't Katwijk, it is the island of Terschelling...
Goedemiddag... Katwijk? regards :)
ciekawy kadr.. :) podoba sie.. pozrawiam..
quite nice. niestety nie wiem jak bedzie "marsjanski" :) regards
nawet fajne. marsjanskie. pzdr