Opis zdjęcia
"The story of Forest Haven was happy and hopeful because the state-of-the-art D.C. Training School would help developmentally and mentally handicapped children and adults learn skills to help them survive in the real world instead of being institutionalized. That was 1925; the Forest Haven facilities grew to a compound with over 22 buildings spread over 250 acres. By 1991, the story of Forest Haven was a heartbreaking horror story as hundreds of residents died of abuse and neglect before the U.S. Justice Department forced the District of Columbia institution closed. What we have here are quiet little murders,explained a Justice Department expert witness in a 1994 article. “They’re killed one day at a time because people don’t pay attention and then no one finds out the real cause of death.” Before everything was said and done, Forest Haven ended up being one of the worst cases of criminal institutional abuse that the U.S. has ever seen. Oh the sickeningly sad stories the walls would tell you if only they could. Now, over 20 years later, this is the abandoned Forest Haven asylum."
Taki mrok mi pasuje akurat, nadaje klimat. Ale co do opisu, to po polsku mógłby być
nie za mało światełka
... a dlaczemu nie w języku wieszczów, tylko ta zagramanicznie ? Jednakowoż - tak sobie przypuszczam tylko - większość oglądających ty właśnie głównie włada. No, chyba że maniera taka ;) To - sorry, no more comments ...
Do miejsca ze zdjecia.
a do czego i kogo ten opis ?