Opis zdjęcia
Kolejne z metra. In english :) Mayakovskaya - the station was built as part of the second stage of the Moscow Metro expansion, and was opened on 11 September 1938. Considered to be one of the most beautiful in the system, it is one of the finest examples of pre-World War II Stalinist Architecture making it one of the most famous Metro stations in the world. The name as well as the design is a reference to Futurism and its prominent Russian exponent Vladimir Mayakovsky. Based on Soviet future as envisioned by the famous poet Mayakovsky the station features graceful columns faced with stainless steel and pink rhodonite, white Ufaley and grey Diorite marble walls, a brilliant flooring pattern of white and pink marble, and of course, most of all are the niches of each of the 35 niches of each vault. Surrounded by filament lights there are a total of 34 brilliant ceiling mosaics by Alexander Deyneka with the theme \\"24-Hour Soviet Sky.\\" (wiki) Mayakovskaya became a masterpiece of Art Deco and was greatly admired at the time. Its design won a grand prix at the New York World Trade Fair in 1938.
10 :)
Srebrzysta [2011-02-01 19:54:34] to chyba zalezy od tego dadatku przyklejonego za oko do wizjera aparatu :)
Ciekawa fotka. Z tego co widze po zdjeciach Moskiewskie metro jest niesamowite, nie to co Londynskike.
obydwa dobre, ech pojechac kiedys do Moskwy...
fajne :)
może nie jest odkrywcze, ale chciałbym kiedyś zrobić takie zdjęcie! +++
podoba mi się...
Fajno , fajno....;)
interesujace !1prima!!!!!!!!
Opis po angielsku z lenistwa - nie chciało mi się tłumaczyć na j.polski. Proszę wybaczyć :)