Opis zdjęcia
- In between love and trying to scheme love - Who can tell what we may find - All this time love, I sublime love - To the feelings in my mind - Loves like women, it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s cool and breezy - Never thought that love could be so easy -- In between love and trying to scheme love - And in between love again - *Tom Waits*
super klimat
skąd znasz to drzewo? :)))
znam to drzewo ;)
no to landszafcikiem poleciałaś na całego:-)
No wlasnie smutne, samotne drzewko.... z dala /o kilkadziesiat metrow/ od swoich braci i siostr, jeszcze mu zimno...ehs
i to jest ok:)
ładne , przyjemne
smutno zimowo ale ale ladnie!