You had probably no choice of the scenery, when taking this picture in the forest, so the only thing you might have had better under control was focusing. Welcome at plfoto!
However the subject and landscape is great the lines aren't too sharp. There is also tightness among details in the bottom of the picture - I mean that there is not enough space at the lower part of the picture. Perhaps it should be a little longer? The small moose can't find it's legs!! :-))
...or is this a fragment of picture taken from large distance...
You had probably no choice of the scenery, when taking this picture in the forest, so the only thing you might have had better under control was focusing. Welcome at plfoto!
Aha, welcome in plfoto photoservice! :-))
However the subject and landscape is great the lines aren't too sharp. There is also tightness among details in the bottom of the picture - I mean that there is not enough space at the lower part of the picture. Perhaps it should be a little longer? The small moose can't find it's legs!! :-))
Nice, but lack of sharpness.
pewnie obil z duzej odleglosci
brak ostrosci i jakos tak malo wyrazne;)