Zachecam do posłuchania:
Moody Blues " Boulevard de La Madeleine "
She said she'd come, she didn't.
I'm the one in love, she isn't.
There's no girl standing there
And there's no one to care
And the trees are so bare
On the Boulevard De La Madeleine.
It's a sad day in Paris
With no girl by my side.
Got to feeling so gladless
Like a part of me died.
Would have been so good to see her,
I never thought she wouldn't be there.
There's no girl standing there
And there's no one who'll care
And the trees are so bare
On the Boulevard De La Madeleine.
There's no girl standing there
And there's no one who'll care
And the trees are so bare
Oh I wish I knew her better,
It's not easy to forget her.
There's no girl standing there
And there's no one who cares
And the trees are so bare
On the Boulevard De La Madeleine
masz bezwzglednie najlepsze foty w tematyce konnej .... Gratulacje , czoła chyle !
dzisiaj mam dobry dzień! oto kolejny autor trafia do moich ulubionych, tylko dlaczego dopiero teraz?
Pięknie uchwycony
Rewelacja! Widzę, że masz ulubioną końską pozę :) Pozdrawiam.
Zachecam do posłuchania: Moody Blues " Boulevard de La Madeleine " She said she'd come, she didn't. I'm the one in love, she isn't. There's no girl standing there And there's no one to care And the trees are so bare On the Boulevard De La Madeleine. It's a sad day in Paris With no girl by my side. Got to feeling so gladless Like a part of me died. Would have been so good to see her, I never thought she wouldn't be there. There's no girl standing there And there's no one who'll care And the trees are so bare On the Boulevard De La Madeleine. There's no girl standing there And there's no one who'll care And the trees are so bare Oh I wish I knew her better, It's not easy to forget her. There's no girl standing there And there's no one who cares And the trees are so bare On the Boulevard De La Madeleine
rewelacja, od razu widać, że Twoje!
wszystko tak jak trzeba
super ujecie ...
jak zwykle cudowne
o k****
cudne!!! światełko śliczne ;)
podziwiam ..
No cóż, podoba się.
Świetnie kolorystycznie i bdb oddana dynamika na zdjęciu.Pozdrawiamy i zapraszamy
ale klasa foto na maxaaa
oj, jak dobrze i elegancko złapany!
Chyba wszystko zostało już napisane :) Po prostu piękne :)
Ależ dynamika, ekstra fota - pozdrawiam:)
eh pieknie sunie
no i to jest ko n jakiego chcemy oglądać!
Łoł :) Mocne :) Prawie biegnie ... :)
widzialem , ocenilem , juz spac moge isc :)
Jeep Wrangler się umywa :)
I już teraz mogę iść spać!
Nic dodać, nic ująć...
siła,moc-zawodowo ujęta dynamika-dla mnie extra-pozdrawiam
niesamowite! czyc ten dynamizm!!!