ArseneLupin -> My gosh! I didn't know I should comment your works in English, sorry. "Roskwitak" doesn't mean anything, it's a neologism created by me. Firstly I published that photo on DeviantArt and there it is entitled "Brust into Bloom" but I couldn't find a good translation for it so I entitled it "Rozkwitak" here. "Rozkwitać" means "bloom" in Polish. Thanks for all :)
no robi wrażenie!!!
Fajna fotka :)
piekne kolory , b.dobrze dobrana rama , fajnie plany sie ukladaja
niezle wyszło, pozdr,
fajnie to wyszlo
dobre! :)
Ciekawe ujęcie - lubię port na Helu!
Piękna praca :)
ArseneLupin -> My gosh! I didn't know I should comment your works in English, sorry. "Roskwitak" doesn't mean anything, it's a neologism created by me. Firstly I published that photo on DeviantArt and there it is entitled "Brust into Bloom" but I couldn't find a good translation for it so I entitled it "Rozkwitak" here. "Rozkwitać" means "bloom" in Polish. Thanks for all :)
What does the word 'Rozkwitak' mean? Your picture is beautiful! Beautiful sunset!
bardyo dobre, pozdrawiam
Bardzo fajne ujęcie, dobrze dobrana ramka
gadańsk? To całkiem blisko Ciebie było :) pozdrawiam
przepiekna fotka,śliczne niebo,pozdro.z Gdanska
dzięki za komentarze :)
piękny zachód! :)
ahhh... swietne :) ja chce nad morze ;)