poza Polską
Parce Mihi Domine.
— 5.12.2003, 16:01:34
pamietaj, jasne indoor, ciemne outdoor.
— 4.12.2003, 02:20:33
a jak Boga nie ma, to jaki z ciebie szatan ?
— 2.12.2003, 22:59:55
Durutti Column.
— 29.11.2003, 19:55:05
Pain is weakness leaving your body.
— 29.10.2003, 16:37:15
I brake for family values, I kill for oil.
— 21.10.2003, 21:15:09
Ave Cesar, Morituri Te Salutant !
— 9.10.2003, 17:58:37
i am colorblind, coffee black, egg white.
— 1.10.2003, 17:26:23
Chopin once more !
— 30.09.2003, 21:43:54
for me, sun rises and sets with her.
— 26.09.2003, 22:08:14
Dominus Vobiscum ...
— 26.09.2003, 17:09:42
once divided there is nothing left to substract.
— 3.09.2003, 17:00:54
Krakow moim miastem, Cracovia moim klubem.
— 27.08.2003, 21:18:07
nie zabije cie, jeszcze.
— 26.08.2003, 23:56:03
uno mas
— 23.08.2003, 00:25:19
me no understand English
— 16.08.2003, 00:21:41
Parce Mihi Domine.
— 5.12.2003, 16:01:34
pamietaj, jasne indoor, ciemne outdoor.
— 4.12.2003, 02:20:33
pamietaj, jasne indoor, ciemne outdoor.
— 4.12.2003, 02:20:33
a jak Boga nie ma, to jaki z ciebie szatan ?
— 2.12.2003, 22:59:55
a jak Boga nie ma, to jaki z ciebie szatan ?
— 2.12.2003, 22:59:55
Durutti Column.
— 29.11.2003, 19:55:05
Durutti Column.
— 29.11.2003, 19:55:05
Pain is weakness leaving your body.
— 29.10.2003, 16:37:15
Pain is weakness leaving your body.
— 29.10.2003, 16:37:15
I brake for family values, I kill for oil.
— 21.10.2003, 21:15:09
I brake for family values, I kill for oil.
— 21.10.2003, 21:15:09
Ave Cesar, Morituri Te Salutant !
— 9.10.2003, 17:58:37
Ave Cesar, Morituri Te Salutant !
— 9.10.2003, 17:58:37
i am colorblind, coffee black, egg white.
— 1.10.2003, 17:26:23
i am colorblind, coffee black, egg white.
— 1.10.2003, 17:26:23
Chopin once more !
— 30.09.2003, 21:43:54
Chopin once more !
— 30.09.2003, 21:43:54
for me, sun rises and sets with her.
— 26.09.2003, 22:08:14
for me, sun rises and sets with her.
— 26.09.2003, 22:08:14
Dominus Vobiscum ...
— 26.09.2003, 17:09:42
Dominus Vobiscum ...
— 26.09.2003, 17:09:42
once divided there is nothing left to substract.
— 3.09.2003, 17:00:54
once divided there is nothing left to substract.
— 3.09.2003, 17:00:54
Krakow moim miastem, Cracovia moim klubem.
— 27.08.2003, 21:18:07
Krakow moim miastem, Cracovia moim klubem.
— 27.08.2003, 21:18:07
nie zabije cie, jeszcze.
— 26.08.2003, 23:56:03
nie zabije cie, jeszcze.
— 26.08.2003, 23:56:03
uno mas
— 23.08.2003, 00:25:19
uno mas
— 23.08.2003, 00:25:19
me no understand English
— 16.08.2003, 00:21:41